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troff76 2010-05-05 12:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by oxpo (Post 644415)
I don't know if this is something local for Telia, Sweden, but I can't send to contacts in the adress book, if the number is stored as international (+4670... for Sweden). It said "Sending to 004670...." but nothing came through (I sent to myself)
When I changed to a local number (070....) I could send.


I have exactly the same issue in Cyprus, using Cytamobile-Vodafone.

I can only send SMS to contacts who don't have the International code included in their number. Unfortunately 95% of my contacts are stored with the international code in order to call them when I am abroad, so I can't use VertSMS yet.

So, is it a provider issue?

However, you are doing a great job! It's one of the first things I wanted eversince I got my N900 and I guess it won't be hard for you guys to fix this bug. Thanks

brera 2010-05-05 12:30

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
for me sending not working for any of number in my contact list, i try 0038598xxxxxx or +38598xxxxxx but after sending message receive a sms from my operator t-mobile that i send a sms to number that can received sms and wrote a number +38598xxxxxx1 which i am not type to send sms, only +38598xxxxxx...

casper27 2010-05-05 12:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 644391)
try launching the app by:


python /opt/vertsms/vertsms.pyc
from command line.

Heres the ouput

~ $ python /opt/vertsms/vertsms.pyc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/", line 11, in <module>
ImportError: No module named dbus

Mmm very strange.

ossipena 2010-05-05 12:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by casper27 (Post 644434)
Heres the ouput

~ $ python /opt/vertsms/vertsms.pyc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/", line 11, in <module>
ImportError: No module named dbus

Mmm very strange.



apt-get install python-dbus
as root.

note to self: add that to dependencies

MohammadAG 2010-05-05 12:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 644439)


apt-get install python-dbus
as root.

note to self: add that to dependencies

Note to self: added.

Edit: sent to devel as v0.1-1, since it blocks installations. Doesn't need a whole version bump for a changed control file.

ossipena 2010-05-05 12:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by troff76 (Post 644426)
So, is it a provider issue?

it probably is. I've had reports that non-international numbers only work and international numbers only work from two different providers. shame that those can conflict, it would have been easier to fix if one case works for everyone.

hey nokia, could someone spare a tip with this issue? how is it implemented in os?

with saunalahti finland both ways work.

troff76 2010-05-05 12:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Messages sent via VertSMS do not appear in Conversations.
Could that be fixed?

NokiaRocks 2010-05-05 12:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Looks good.
But how i can write capital letters ? Or am I just blind ? xD

saxen 2010-05-05 12:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 644192)
could you give me more information?

I have already a small code snippet that reads all the messages from el.db so I basically know what to write there but I am still gathering courage for it and start testing tonight.

something like this?!


ZogG 2010-05-05 13:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
is the original nokia conversation is closed - it would be nice to build in this into it.

also is it possible to make long touch press - as you press button for a long pressing it became number and backspace for multiply use. thank you again

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