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kingzeus 2010-05-25 16:39

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Both users have to have a webcam for it to work i had the leaked version and thats how it worked and it only works from n900 to pc or n900 to n900

markcub 2010-05-25 16:44

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by kingzeus (Post 676363)
Both users have to have a webcam for it to work i had the leaked version and thats how it worked and it only works from n900 to pc or n900 to n900

That's what I feared :-(

Such a shame, I wonder why that decision was made?


ste-phan 2010-05-25 16:54

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by kingzeus (Post 676363)
Both users have to have a webcam for it to work i had the leaked version and thats how it worked and it only works from n900 to pc or n900 to n900

This is wrong information. :confused:

We have tested video call between Nokia E71 Running Fring skype and N900 Running LPR1.2 last week ... over 3G network. :cool:

What did not work was N900 to MacOSX Snow Leopard running whatever latest version of Skype. 2 Way video did not establish. :(

markcub 2010-05-25 17:44

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by nickolaicho (Post 676437)
This may be a dumb solution but... Have you had video calling enabled? Contacts - settings - display video calling on?

You made me jump there.. could it be so simple?

No, I'm afraid not. The setting was already on, and toggling it made no difference.


teh 2010-05-25 18:32

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 676407)
This is wrong information. :confused:

We have tested video call between Nokia E71 Running Fring skype and N900 Running LPR1.2 last week ... over 3G network. :cool:

What did not work was N900 to MacOSX Snow Leopard running whatever latest version of Skype. 2 Way video did not establish. :(

+1 on the no go with mac.

I have figured out how to turn on video, but I have to call on Skype first either from N900 or PC, also, now that I have called my self with video the button for it appears. For me it appears to be you need to have a webcam, and that person has to call you first for it to realise you can video call them.

Another thing to note, I had to reboot my device for skype to sign in again as the annoying internet bug still remains (where you can't connect to the internet or skype on Wifi or GPRS/3G without doing a reboot)

rmoravcik 2010-05-25 19:23

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I just tried different versions of skype (2.1 on Linux, 2.5, 3.8 and 4.2 on Windows) and video call was working only with version 4.2 on Windows.

dwould 2010-05-25 19:25

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I get the skype video call button, but am unable to actually connect a video call, all that connects is audio. the 'real' skype client just doesn't get any video from the n900 and doesn't seem to think the device can receive video.
weirdly the contact details do show that the contact support video, but also that it's from amobile device.
any ideas? I was really looking forward to this feature and it just isn't working for me.

markcub 2010-05-25 20:05

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Hi guys,

I finally found a contact where the Skype video button appeared. He does have a web cam.

So it looks like you can only make an out-going Skype video call if the other person has a web cam plugged in.

That is a pitty, I don't see what is wrong with send-only video calls.

Oh well,

geneven 2010-05-25 20:09

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I just had a pretty long video call with Moscow -- I'm in California. Quality was surprisingly good -- the video was better than the sound. My friends the twins were looking good.

geneven 2010-05-25 20:13

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by markcub (Post 676938)
Hi guys,

, I don't see what is wrong with send-only video calls.

Oh well,

Right, send-only is fine! I think someone will fix this.

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