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xman 2010-08-10 18:02

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

I don't know if you have seen this (probably have), but is there a way you can make the volume rockers be useful in Mypaint?

Saw these in another post:

THough I haven't actually been drawing lately, but I'm trying to fix that bug also... ;)


Bijiont 2010-08-24 09:30

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Sorry if this has been asked already I did a search but didn't see anything.

I currently am using latest build of MyPaint however do not have a save option for JPG or PNG files. Currently it will only allow me to save in .ORA.

Just curious if I am overlooking something or forgot to remove something from my 0.7 install.

silent tim 2010-08-24 10:22

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by Bijiont (Post 796651)
Sorry if this has been asked already I did a search but didn't see anything.

I currently am using latest build of MyPaint however do not have a save option for JPG or PNG files. Currently it will only allow me to save in .ORA.

Just curious if I am overlooking something or forgot to remove something from my 0.7 install.

just put .jpg at the end of the filename when saving, simples :)

Bijiont 2010-08-24 10:26

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by silent tim (Post 796694)
just put .jpg at the end of the filename when saving, simples :)

Hmm I did that however the file image is corrupted when either uploading it or opening via Photoshop CS5.

I guess I will have another go at it later, far to sick to be thinking about it.

Thanks for the help Silent Tim,

Bijiont 2010-08-25 01:09

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Still doesn't work.

No Save option for PNG or JPG and renaming results in a unreadable format to anything other than MyPaint.

Just adding .JPG does nothing as the base image information is still .ORA.

If you would like a new thread for this issue I will be more than happy to start, just don't want to fill this thread with something which may or may not be related.

ed00 2010-08-25 02:16

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
replacing .ora with .jpg during saving file works fine and can see it as an image with a rest of pictures in All Images .

Bijiont 2010-08-25 04:45

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Yeah got it working, come to find out my one config file was really screwed up so a quick redo of the config file and everything is back to normal.

I really should have checked that before hand, my mistake really.

thanks regardless.

Bazza 2010-08-26 20:07

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I haven't installed any mypaint packages yet and i'm itching to install it and get sketching,

Is there anything special i need to do to install it or is it straight forward from the repo's?

I have looked through the threads and all i can see is delete this and replace with that.

Thanks in advance :)

stickymick 2010-08-26 20:22

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 799406)
I haven't installed any mypaint packages yet and i'm itching to install it and get sketching,

Is there anything special i need to do to install it or is it straight forward from the repo's?

I have looked through the threads and all i can see is delete this and replace with that.

Thanks in advance :)

AFAIK it's an install straight from the repo. Nothing special needed to get it running, except it does take a while to start up and looks like it's crashed back to desktop.
Another niggle is the speed of some of the brushes when you draw with them (baring in mind we have only got a 600Mhz CPU) and some of the brushes tend to hang my phone.

But it's entirely up to you. I'd say it's worth a try.

Bazza 2010-08-26 20:29

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 799413)
AFAIK it's an install straight from the repo. Nothing special needed to get it running, except it does take a while to start up and looks like it's crashed back to desktop.
Another niggle is the speed of some of the brushes when you draw with them (baring in mind we have only got a 600Mhz CPU) and some of the brushes tend to hang my phone.

But it's entirely up to you. I'd say it's worth a try.

Thanks for the replay

I think i will give it a go i have plenty of patience if its a little slow.

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