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efekt 2010-06-01 19:04

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
smoku, Although I'm married I sincerely consider bigamy in order to marry you :)
Thanks a bunch, man - you rock!!!

smoku 2010-06-01 19:20

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
My wife advises I should pass on the proposition. :D

efekt 2010-06-01 19:24

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Well she apparently doesn't have a clue - I promise to play ALL the games you port, how can she counter-offer THAT?! ;)
Uh well, I tried... Women, they always win...

haj 2010-06-01 19:49

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Or at least the first level? Anyone got past the highscore screen after level one?

edit; I'm thinking, could it be because the return-key on the N900 maps to KP_Enter and not Return?

CutterSlade 2010-06-01 20:08

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Can confirm the ENTER Bug in scoreboard. Cool game though very relaxed and so simple interface. Thanks for the port!

Patola 2010-06-01 20:12

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by haj (Post 694517)
Or at least the first level? Anyone got past the highscore screen after level one?

edit; I'm thinking, could it be because the return-key on the N900 maps to KP_Enter and not Return?

Yes, this is exactly the reason. I could get past this screen by using x2x and pressing <ENTER> with my laptop's keyboard. That was a lame workaround, but at least it confirmed your suspicion! :p

EDIT: Just after getting past that screen, there was that annoying questionnaire about units and buildings. I found out that the answers could be found here but it would be awkward to have to open the browser during the game to get these answers.

mece 2010-06-01 20:55

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Haven't had time to play yet so I'm just speculating: I browsed the source and it seems that tab sends some sort of break in editbox.c, so ctrl-i could get you away from an editbox. Worth a shot. :)

smoku 2010-06-01 21:21

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 694467)
how can she counter-offer THAT?! ;)

We need a pack of beer and a less public place to discuss that. :p

CutterSlade 2010-06-01 21:30

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Nope. Tried every possible combination of Strg, blue arrow and shift. Including Strg aka ctrl + i.

smoku 2010-06-01 21:39

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Could you try - it should fix the Return issue.

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