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notaridavid 2010-06-22 14:47

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance
Nothing? It's not true Zen Bound is available :) for 5 EUR :)

NvyUs 2010-06-22 14:51

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance
Joiku Spot was added £8

romanianusa 2010-06-22 15:14

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance
Nothing is good news in Nokia land.

badstraw 2010-06-22 20:49

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance
i get a message saying that ovi store is not available if i try to access it, do you guys have the same problem? or am I the only one?

brandonc 2010-06-22 20:51

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance

Originally Posted by badstraw (Post 725463)
i get a message saying that ovi store is not available if i try to access it, do you guys have the same problem? or am I the only one?

same for me, it says I can update it via the app manager but I dont see the update.

Dave999 2010-06-22 21:00

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance
working and joikospot is added :)

netoak 2010-06-22 21:06

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance

Originally Posted by brandonc (Post 725471)
same for me, it says I can update it via the app manager but I dont see the update.

Same in my case, I try installing Hidden-User-Agent an reset User-Agent with no luck, no way to access it.

Ovi By Nokia official twitter account said to me that they are checking the problem and they will tell me something. I'll notify you.

Edit: Setting my phone in English Ovi Store works, setting in Spanish, Ovi Store is not working...

jackie_jagger 2010-06-22 21:07

Re: great knews, ovi store is under going maintenance

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 723843)
They're turning it into a porn store

Is it true :O?? well Steve said Android is open source and allows third party apps and also has porn store, a place where iPhone doesn't wanna go !! but Oh my nokia has done it !! w00t

Dear steve please be sure to add Maemo to the list too !!

warm regards
Open Source Lovers

brandonc 2010-06-23 06:32

Re: Great news, Ovi Store is under going maintenance

Originally Posted by netoak (Post 725501)
Same in my case, I try installing Hidden-User-Agent an reset User-Agent with no luck, no way to access it.

Ovi By Nokia official twitter account said to me that they are checking the problem and they will tell me something. I'll notify you.

Edit: Setting my phone in English Ovi Store works, setting in Spanish, Ovi Store is not working...

I uninstalled the hidden user agent and restarted that fixed the problem, I am now able to see the refresh.

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