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nosa101 2010-06-30 14:29

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 735365)
N900 uses a standard micro usb which is used on hundreds of other phones.

I must be lumping the mini USB into micro USB category then. I'm talking from personal experience here, finding a car charger for my n900 wasn't the easiest. Most of the usb ones were mini usb and whatever is in between

nosa101 2010-06-30 14:32

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by lucas777 (Post 735371)
LOL Did u go back in time in a hot tub time machine, you have literally no clue about anything mate

It is easier to find an iPhone cable, from personal experience at least.

chemist 2010-06-30 14:39

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
Please people! Stay calm!

Try to change your point of view please! Someone asking for a helping hand on this should not get a fork in the butt.

For me iPhone, no matter which version, it is a good looking jail.
Hardware in terms of core, SoC and stuff is not important on this question.

If I put myself in the point of view of someone not familiar with apple and not familiar with linux the pure feature list is what makes my decision.

Keyboard or touch-keyboard?
Resistive or capacitive touchscreen?
My ogg/flac/mp3 folders or iTunes?
Normal addressbook or ringtones for each contact another?
Align manually or compass?
Standard USB or proprietary iPort?
OpenSource or Stockholm Syndrome? (both are deceases but the 1st can turn into good the 2nd can't)
Flash or not?
$400 or $600?

What applies to you?

For the records N900 could be used by my dad and he has a problem to turn his computer on or upgrade firefox (I setup his case to have only one button! Firefox just asks if it is allowed to upgrade itself now).

To apply settings and stuff even symbian or iphone gives you a hard time sometimes!

I decided between devices which meet my No1 criteria first, resistive screen, a keyboard and no microsoft inside! Capacitive screens drive me nuts anytime I use one, hardware keys work without fingerprints on the screen, microsoft... well... you know the ballmer peak?


Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 735474)
It is easier to find an iPhone cable, from personal experience at least.

Of course! As all stuff without iPort is hidden somewhere and I barely find a damn car-FM-radio without a freaking iPad-control built in! Not all people (not even 25%) have apple stuff but the shops look like there is no other thing out there than apple hardware.

Taleydra 2010-06-30 14:45

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
I never understood all the negativity against the n900. I'm an not into linux, but I had no problem overclocking mine, the only task so far where I input commands into the x-terminal. The N900 works great, and anything newer will not affect how MY phone works. I love the programs I have installed from extras, the camera is wonderful, and the phone works great and has top notch reception. I have no problem recommending the n900 to friends, and still do. One of mine just picked up one last week and loves it.

sachin007 2010-06-30 14:47

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
Just a question --

If i overclock the n900 to 1ghz is it going to be the same speed of the iphone? (Of course iphone 4 has 512 mb ram.. other than that?)

ysss 2010-06-30 14:56

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
@sachin007: it can't be directly compared (yet?). Neither device has been hacked to run each other's OSes. Thus you'll always be comparing apples (heh) and oranges.

Grok 2010-06-30 15:10

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by disappointed (Post 735106)
my contract is up for renewel. I am considering new i phone 4g or nokia n900.

your thoughts,,,


You have been successfully Trolled!

Six minutes after starting this thread, he has received his n900, broke the usb port and sent it Nokia's Head Office. Then he posted here....

What a pathetic wind up attempt!:mad:

ste-phan 2010-06-30 15:25

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
The screen on the iPhone has a better resulution than the N900.

However it does not run Maemo 5 and that is too bad because you have to miss the great user interface and integrated full functional skype. :)
Also the N900 resistive screen is in advantage for web surfing and filling in forms as well as the great scetching application Mypaint.
Ok , maybe you do not need that.

Seriously in general, my view is that Apple and Google spy too much.
Questions are bing raised from government side in the Netherlands and Germany and Apple needs to explain the mechanisms used further in dept.,00.html
Wether or not it is to protect the citicens' priviacy or get a grip on the "hidden" functionality of the iPhone , all that does not fit my own privacy policy does it fit yours?
People suggest Android too... give me a break. .last week Google has been field testing remote removal of applications on user's phone.

The tollerance level for this kind of practices is way too high!

An N900 does not try to hide that it is in fact a computer. It does not harvest your user data by default.

Neegs 2010-06-30 15:32

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by Grok (Post 735521)

You have been successfully Trolled!

Six minutes after starting this thread, he has received his n900, broke the usb port and sent it Nokia's Head Office. Then he posted here....

What a pathetic wind up attempt!:mad:

Haha that is classic, i personally thought that is was a good discussion from the board ussually if you mention iphone flame wars ensue but it has for the most part been ok.

Oh well i am sure there are others out there that wanted the info

nbvora13 2010-06-30 15:35

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
The simplest way I can answer is...

If you want to get trapped in to forever Apple zone, and keep paying enormous money for iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4...∞ then buy iPhone...

If you want to use your phone for at least 2/3 years (considering the fact that every quarter companies come up with new phones with something "different" (?))...then buy some smartphone worth $400/$500...

If you want to change your phone every year then buy some smartphone worth $200 (Nokia has many)...

User experience would always be traditional with all Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Android phones...though restrictions would be too many for iPhone...


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