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sondjata 2007-04-17 19:12

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
well I guess for me the Mac user, I'll be continuing on with Twonkyvision. Now if only I could get the Media Player to actually play those twonkyVision served files....

W1NDRUSH 2007-04-17 21:52

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
so yesterday my orb 2.0 was working, but hey as they said this new version was for n800 i thought i'd download it. now i can't connect from my n800, i just get an untrusted cert message.. Anyone seen that ?

howardcb 2007-04-17 22:34

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

Originally Posted by CobraKC (Post 44714)
Hi, i have video and music working on orb, but the pictures don't display exxcept as thumbnails to pick from. Any ideas?

I have the same problem. I sent a service request in to Orb, and they asked me to upload the latest version but I still had the same problem. I will post any solutions from them.


bfain 2007-04-18 00:25

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

Originally Posted by bfain (Post 44623)
Every video or audio file I try to play on the N800 using Orb returns a "unable to perform operation. Try again." error in Media Player. Even the test videos on the Orb support site do not work. Any suggestions?

My problem was "fixed" by running the Nokia Software Wizard again and flashing the N800. I was able to run Orb video and music on a clean install. As soon as restored my backup it stopped working again. :mad: Now I have to go through a process of elimination to see which program is causing the problem.

johsua 2007-04-18 00:33

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
I should have posted this here, rather than another thread. i fixed it by simply rebooting the n800.

CobraKC 2007-04-18 04:51

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
Has anyone been able to see photos or a slideshow in orb? Seems to load flash player but nothing happens. Video and audio work great...???

CobraKC 2007-04-18 05:21

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
:) also,if for some reason,if all of a sudden it says it doesn't support that resolution in playback of video, just clear your browser of cache, and cookies, and it will work again...

Nanocore 2007-04-18 14:32

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
In response to my "video resolution not supported", I did load up RealAlternative on the Orb PC and sure enough I was able to watch the movies I had on disk on the N800.

However, it would buffer for a few seconds, play for a few seconds, then buffer again (then repeat buffer/play sequence continuously). I had lowered my bit rate on the N800 to 90 (as someone else mentioned) and the upstream on my Orb PC was in the 322 range (basic DSL 384 up speed). Now that I have it working, I am open to suggestions about optimizing. Any suggestions?

rcadden 2007-04-18 14:41

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

Originally Posted by Nanocore (Post 44899)
In response to my "video resolution not supported", I did load up RealAlternative on the Orb PC and sure enough I was able to watch the movies I had on disk on the N800.

However, it would buffer for a few seconds, play for a few seconds, then buffer again (then repeat buffer/play sequence continuously). I had lowered my bit rate on the N800 to 90 (as someone else mentioned) and the upstream on my Orb PC was in the 322 range (basic DSL 384 up speed). Now that I have it working, I am open to suggestions about optimizing. Any suggestions?

I dropped my bitrate on the N800 to 77 and streamed Borat in widescreen with very little buffering over WiFi. Keep tinkering with the settings, the lower bitrate, the less buffering, but the less quality, as well, obviously. You've just got to find your balance.

nyleridedog 2007-04-18 14:41

Re: Orb MyCasting on the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
How long in seconds have you set the buffer to? try 1 minutes worth of buffering!

good luck

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