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stickymick 2010-07-25 19:56

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
For some reason, since the last update, fCamera has been really thrashing my CPU.
Noticed this yesterday, after the update, when it was freezing momentarily during switching between screens and selecting options.

Decided to check "System Info Widget" today and the CPU was fluctuating between 70% & 100% while fCam was running in the background.

Anyone else seen this?

sponka 2010-07-25 20:22

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 763918)
when i open the camera lens the default camera app does
not shoot up anymore. this must be related to fcamera, hdcapture
or lowlight app. maybe bless900 which i had to deinstall for the
above apps.

can someone help out?


Hi! I had BlessN900 installed before. Removed without problems and since I'm using titan's kernel also installed titan's version of fcam driver.

I was playing with different options today and also took some pics with bundled camera app -- maybe I'm lucky, but I dont have any problems mentioned here - camera slider work OK (have set to start camera when slider opened, so I just quit default app and run fcamera), also, I tried to capture same motive with defult app and fcamera for comparison. As far I can tell, everything look as usual.

I didn't install lowlight, maybe is here the catch?

deter3 2010-07-25 20:48

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
I got the same problem that freezing when switching between screens .I did not overstock . So I uninstalled the apps and wait for the fix .


Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 764458)
For some reason, since the last update, fCamera has been really thrashing my CPU.
Noticed this yesterday, after the update, when it was freezing momentarily during switching between screens and selecting options.

Decided to check "System Info Widget" today and the CPU was fluctuating between 70% & 100% while fCam was running in the background.

Anyone else seen this?

FarmerF 2010-07-26 07:27

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
a minor but confusing bug:
If you open the default camera app and switch to night modus and then close it and start fcam the display is completely gray (becomes green in hdr modus). To get the preview back you have to start the default app again and switch to auto mode.

Quality is generally quite well and with all the sliders you can make it that much better but the auto settings do not always give the ebst results (especially low light conditions).


Another oddity I noticed, the raw images taken with fcam seem to be only 640x480 pixels, is that correct or did I miss a resolution setting somewhere? The corresponding saved jpg's are 2560X1944... If only I had known... Could have used the extra pixels

ewan 2010-07-26 22:29

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
Rather oddly the basic fcamera app is open source, but the Nokia built HDR and lowlight apps appear to be in non-free. That doesn't seem like a sensible decision for example apps.

joshua 2010-07-26 22:51

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
hmmm nice great app

FarmerF 2010-07-27 08:18

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
To expand a bit further on the above mentioned resolution problem:

The RAW images are around 10 mb which seems correct but in the gimp they take 2.9 mb memory which is odd. It almost seems as if the data is there but the file index is wrong (don't know the RAW format but I hope you can understand what I mean :))

Opening in UFRaw gives an error about not being able to use the camera white balance after which it hangs...

Also got some error about a TIFF directory something but can not reproduce it atm.

Lastly I'm still curious about other peoples resolution in the RAW images to know whether its just me or a general bug and will try with Photoshop later to see if that changes anything.

yogi900 2010-07-27 08:23

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
Great apps..!!!

Any idea how to make panorama photos with this?

FarmerF 2010-07-27 09:40

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
And the next part of this monologue :

The FCAM thing in a nutshell for non-developers seems to be the place to file bugs (go figure...) and the problems with dcraw are known and fixed in SVN.

Will check with Photoshop as stated earlier and perhaps everything will be fine then.

Switch_ 2010-07-27 09:49

Re: fcam & fcamera and HDRcapture Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)

Originally Posted by FarmerF (Post 766177)
Will check with Photoshop as stated earlier and perhaps everything will be fine then.

Everything seems to work fine in Adobe CameraRAW 4.6 onwards, where Adobe included the *.dng extension that fcam works with. The only exception to this is that the picture metadata is incomplete and only contains (IIRC) ISO and...... Something else..... (!)

CameraRAW 4.6 is included in any Photoshop package from CS3 onwards, don't think CS2 had the RAW image capabilities. Also, the pixel dimensions are not 640 x 480 (307,200pix) as it is 2bytes per pixel, on a 5Mp CMOS, meaning approxiamtely 10,000bytes, leaving you with a 10Meg file. Include into this the remaining metadata etc and you are left with the correct filesize for the *.dng outputs from fcam.

Not sure why it is throwing up errors on the other programs you mention in your previous post but I always have (and probably always will) work(ed) in Photoshop....

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