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Milhouse 2010-07-30 13:10

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 769840)
the point is the risk. you take a risk that you blew 200 bucks if other technology becomes standard.

it is expensive to be first in line to buy these things.

and second point: charging comes free of charge with the phone. so you are basically paying 200 bucks just for the charging part. too much imo.

OK, we geddit - this isn't for you.

Nobody is trying to convince you to buy this (not that it's even available or an option). All technology has a limited life span until it becomes obsolete, some more limited than others, and we can all work out the risk versus return/reward and make the appropriate decisions whether to spend our own money or not, thank you very much. :)


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 769840)
just keep in mind that when there is this kind of uncertainty, the guys who spend their money to the technology bare all the risks.

No sh1t Sherlock! :)

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