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nseika 2010-08-10 08:51

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed
Try beating Apple and Google’s silver tongue in their image-building game, going to be difficult though.

Win the opinion leaders’ heart.
They shouldn’t be too defensive. Less talk, and deliver products faster after announcement. Leave the image that they’re ruled by corporate businessmen lustful for money and think every technical problem can be handled with sweet talk. Words are cheap.
Instead, try starting image of company ruled by altruistic young generation engineers who prefer personal growth, future and self-discovery while getting profit as a bonus, instead of the other way around.
They’re friends, good guys, anti-establishment. :D

GIve new toy quick and give better price/value (e.g: longer software update support).

attila77 2010-08-10 11:30

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

Originally Posted by bandario (Post 781037)
I would have serious hesitations purchasing a device in the near future which does not allow me to choose if I would like to run MeeGO, Android, Windowsphone7 or all 3 and provide a reasonable amount of storage space to do so.

As much as I hate to admit this is not realistic. Even if embedded industry practices regarding drivers changed overnight, the breakneck pace of mobile development makes this unfeasible. Ten years ago we were playing Counterstrike on Pentium 4s in 1024x768. Now we have Core i3/5/7s, HD and Modern Warfare or Starcraft 2 - significantly stronger, but not OMG differences. Do you know what mobile gaming meant 10 years ago ? Snake II, on a 96x64 green mono display.

So in mobile space you have almost dog years and it overperforms Moore's law by a long shot. Imagine if Microsoft did a major windows version EVERY year and you had processor power doubling in less than 12 months. That makes cross-platform HW compatibility and support a nightmare.

techngro 2010-08-10 11:56

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 780916)
People will not develop for MeeGo - they will develop for Qt. MeeGo is just the best vehicle for platforms on high-end devices. It's not MeeGo for MeeGo's sake. Via Qt, developers can target hundreds of millions of users, MeeGo ones will just be the coolest ones :)

In the immortal words of Sir Paul...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

He wrote that song just for you, my friend.

tissot 2010-08-10 12:13

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed
Iphone is big and all, but Android is really something that can eat pretty much all of the empty space from MeeGo before it really even starts.

Key points for the normal users IMO would be:
- Nicely executed multitasking. This is something that makes me scratch my head coming from N900 and using my Galaxy S(Android) weird multitasking that feels like something from 10 years back with the task killers and all. If MeeGo handheld UX ever comes something it could be one the special things that keep people using MeeGo.

- Make the MeeGo handheld UX, netbook UX and tablet UX a one big "family"(gotta get them all). Make syncing between these intuitive and effortless.
What Android got now is really a nice phone OS, but example MeeGo tablet UX kills the current Android one. Thought we have yet to see Android 3.0 and that might change things.

- Make it look good. At least Nokia's Harmattan/MeeGo seems to be doing this. Tablet UX looks brilliant already. This is again one of those things that helps hugely on the more than important initial push of MeeGo.

- Great hw. MeeGo isn't of course all about Nokia, but Nokia is still crucial on the handheld UX side. Since OPK came in charge in Nokia with his service talks the hw on Nokia phones have gone from amazing to bad.
Services are the future no doubt, but people at least for now buy hw, OS and services are something that makes them stay on that brand or OS after they have bought the device. More buyers/users and we will see more steps taken on the service side too.

- Apps. That's a no brainer so i leave it there.

Sopwith 2010-08-10 12:16

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

Originally Posted by techngro (Post 781477)
In the immortal words of John Lennon

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

He wrote that song just for you, my friend.


(the kids of today!)

cjp 2010-08-10 12:24

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

Originally Posted by techngro (Post 781477)
In the immortal words of Sir Paul...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

He wrote that song just for you, my friend.

Ok that was a bit odd..? And those lyrics are by Lennon, bro. 8)

What MeeGo needs to succeed:
* It must attain an air of being a long-term and supported platform.
* Supported in terms of: updates, applications
* Attractive devices that serve many needs.

And here I'm assuming we're talking mostly about the Mobile OS version of MeeGo.

Andrew_b 2010-08-10 12:46

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed
To succeed, MeeGo needs top notch PR and marketing for both the OS and any devices running it. That's all.

You spend more money on advertising than you do on R&D. It doesn't matter how good anything is, consumers just need to feel good about themselves. You tell them your product is fantastic, you tell them they are smart if they buy it. You show them how attractive and smart all the people who own your product are. You don't talk about competing products, there are no competing products. Your product is unique. You turn every owner of your product into a salesperson for your product.

torspo 2010-08-10 12:47

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 780899)
Why would developers want to develop for MeeGo?

Why are there so many apps for an exotic environment such as iPhone? Because developers can make money from it. I don't know how it has been done in Android, but as the world leader of advertisement, I guess Google has put some thought into it.


What killer feature does MeeGo have that will make people want to use it.
I can't think of any. Maybe if my car and phone would both be MeeGo and there was some sort of integration, but what good would that do? My car already has an iPod dock and USB, the handsfree works via Bluetooth on any kind of phone. It doesn't have an integrated GPS navigation, but if it did, what kind of cell phone integration would it benefit from except for online access via bluetooth?


Why would OEMS want to adopt MeeGo?
I can't see a reason for cell phone manufacturers. For other devices, perhaps if the price, customizability, hardware requirements etc are fine. But then again, Linux is already free. I guess android is equally fit for that and that WP7 will bring MS back into the game.


Why would network operators want to sell phones using
If it is interesting to the masses and can be efficiently operator locked.


Does MeeGo really have a future?
I have hard time believing that. Why not just any Linux. Take a look at Asus EEE Pc. It's hardly larger than a cell phone, it has 1.6ghz cpu, bigger display, runs normal linux distros and gets 3-7h of battery life. My guess is that these devices are getting powerful enough to require little more than a customized gui on top of a desktop OS.


Will MeeGo have basic applications such as facebook, foursquare, Skype, twitter, Adobe Flash etc?
Of course.

imperiallight 2010-08-10 12:53

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

It's much like if Willcom were sold outside of Japan.
They had their own UMPC phone, the d4:

I would have got one if it was GSM!

nseika 2010-08-10 14:47

Re: What Will Make MeeGo Succeed

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 781443)
As much as I hate to admit this is not realistic. Even if embedded industry practices regarding drivers changed overnight, the breakneck pace of mobile development makes this unfeasible. Ten years ago we were playing Counterstrike on Pentium 4s in 1024x768. Now we have Core i3/5/7s, HD and Modern Warfare or Starcraft 2 - significantly stronger, but not OMG differences. Do you know what mobile gaming meant 10 years ago ? Snake II, on a 96x64 green mono display.

So in mobile space you have almost dog years and it overperforms Moore's law by a long shot. Imagine if Microsoft did a major windows version EVERY year and you had processor power doubling in less than 12 months. That makes cross-platform HW compatibility and support a nightmare.

I think, in another article... the OEM is also avoiding falling in the same pitfall as in the desktop, hardware become commoditized and they have to slash profit to survive competing with each others as the top line hardware specs are drawn.
Allowing the users to switch from one OS to another means releasing the obsolescence control to users and the OS makers.

Besides, even if the hardware maker does, with AppStore, the OS has become different from desktop OS like Windows, Mac or Linux. The OS maker also had a stake on locking peoples to their platform because money now flows not from selling OS itself but commission from selling apps.
And maybe from monitoring behaviour of the users.
Making peoples jumps ship easily doesn't sound feasible on their side.

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