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cedlmw 2010-08-19 07:55

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
hmm by manually do u mean by using a pc or xterm? I dont really know how to use the latter. I did find the file by using cute explorer but when I try to delete it(using cuteexplorer) it says "deleting file apmonitord failed"

superjunior 2010-08-19 07:59

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
You must be root !!!

open Xterm
Type root
Type mc (MidnightCommander)

go to /etc/event.d/apmonitord

F8= delete

cedlmw 2010-08-19 08:17

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
it works!!! thanks a lot ;)

winet05 2010-08-19 08:55

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Hi i had the same problem and thanx to the thread i managed to fix the problem.. Now is there a way we can vote down Advanced Power App from the extras-devel..

justice4all3000 2010-08-19 09:04

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 790490)

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

thanks worked perfectly!!!

fw190 2010-08-19 09:10

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
This is getting seriously annoying. Could a moder close this thread? The answer is given. It is simle as 2+2=4. Even a noob like me could do it so it's not a black magic and people start to ask the same questio when the answer is given 4 posts above.

klangc 2010-08-19 09:35

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
I just faced this issue too.
Many many thanks for solution. :)

CasTTeLLo 2010-08-19 10:09

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
i was installed and uninstalled apm/ap too....but when i try to find apmonitord , it doesn't exist...weird....maybe its fully uninstalled....i'm on pr1.2 but i can fell my device getting slow and eat much idea!!

superjunior 2010-08-19 10:46

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Open Xterm and run "top" or install "htop" and look the Prozess with high CPU and MEM.

Rob1n 2010-08-19 10:58

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by winet05 (Post 791516)
Now is there a way we can vote down Advanced Power App from the extras-devel..

No, that's why it's extras-devel - the apps are in development and may cause issues ranging right the way up to bricking the phone.

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