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atilla 2010-09-30 22:08

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
im not sure but first install rootsh from the repos.
after that type apt-get install wget
and then the other codes.
but you shouldn't do that if you even don't know where to type commands

MohammadAG 2010-09-30 22:08

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
I thought wget was preinstalled on all devices...
apt-get install wget first (in a root shell of course)

Edit: grr, you beat me to it :p

NvyUs 2010-09-30 22:14

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 830321)
nice find...Must try...was almost a year since the showed it...Hope the real deal will be there soon. rules...

it was 6 months ago @ MWC not a year, still been a long though

TiagoTiago 2010-09-30 22:15

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
I installed it using Maemo Synaptic

It disappointed me, it lags too much when tilting, the FPS is subpar, and the tilting thing instead of tilting stuff controls an fictional throttle/brake. Oh and the "toonies" are way too lowpolly, and the FPS still sucks. I had a similar game on my N73, it was 2D and somewhat pixel-art, but it was way more fun to play than this, the FPS and the physics kicked Jurassic 3D's arse, and i had no issues understand what was happening (on a few of the turns in Jurassic i can't see anything, and the low FPS combined with a few fast movements makes it easy to loose track of the environment), oh and it had tons of levels (instead of being an extremely limited demo it was full, but still free because it displayed a couple of ads when loading )

kolos 2010-09-30 22:17

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by 2slik4u (Post 830445)
Im in X term with internet on, when i run the code it displays the following:

-sh: wget: not found


sudo gainroot

apt-get update

apt-get install wget

dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

mastac 2010-09-30 22:17

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
yeah i did use root,

I think there is something wrong with my device. It doesnt really like downloading any files from the internet, I dont know why??

wget is preinstalled. It's worked for me in the past.

igorlt 2010-09-30 22:25

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
It worked for me!!!!

Thanks!!! :)

2slik4u 2010-09-30 22:38

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
Whats up with my XTerm, everytime i type in any code it adds

This has something to do with PSFreedom code.
Someone said that we must type in this code in XTERM:

chmod 755 *.sh && chomd 444 *.ko
What does the above do?

vivmak 2010-09-30 22:44

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by 2slik4u (Post 830445)
Im in X term with internet on, when i run the code it displays the following:

-sh: wget: not found

how to select text to copy in maemo browser? i do ctrl+a but specific text not sure

2slik4u 2010-09-30 22:51

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 830454)
I thought wget was preinstalled on all devices...
apt-get install wget first (in a root shell of course)

Edit: grr, you beat me to it :p

When i type that in root i get the following line:

/bin/sh: not found
Why is it going to bin and why does it keep adding /sh: to everything.

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