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dr_frost_dk 2010-10-14 09:17

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
yes it does charge when using the old small charger i used for my n95, but last night i think my charger that came with the phone died, after 3 hours of charging it had only gained about 1% charge!!!, i have my own home made battery monitor based on REAL li-ion graphs, allso i have my own 'Electro Ciao' (Vespa Ciao converted to electric), and i have pro chargers and my own homemade chargers, so i have extensive battery knowledge.
when charing through USB it all-so charges but not very fast (500mah cap i guess).

dr_frost_dk 2010-10-14 09:25

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
and no matter what the CPU does not go under 500mhz, even with re-modified conky to only display cpu with update interval at 0.5 secs

pelago 2010-10-14 09:30

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
Are you sure you're using genuine Nokia batteries? Even if they have holograms they might not be genuine...

dr_frost_dk 2010-10-14 09:42

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
it's a original phone bought from shop less than a month ago, so i damn well hope so :)

The battery is fine, the issue is still that i wastes power keeping the cpu at a minimum off 500mhz when connected to charger.

My solution is when i get an extra battery (hopefully tomorrow) i will charge the battery externally, and just swap battery's when it's almost flat.

and since i changed the possibly defective org. charger to my china bought small nokia charger it charged the phone fine.

Again this is not a battery issue.

dr_frost_dk 2010-10-14 16:36

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
Update, checked all kinds of chargers i have and the 500mhz lock is only when connected to usb via computer, even if 'mass storage' or 'pc suite' is not selected.

efekt 2010-10-14 16:48

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!

Originally Posted by dr_frost_dk (Post 841081)
Update, checked all kinds of chargers i have and the 500mhz lock is only when connected to usb via computer, even if 'mass storage' or 'pc suite' is not selected.

Did you try running the 'top' command in the X-Terminal, to see which process is using all that CPU juice while connected to the pc?

Creamy Goodness 2010-10-14 19:01

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
dr frost, your problem makes no sense
n900 gives a warning if there is not enough power coming through the usb to charge the phone - "not charging. insufficient power"
why don't you look at this?
using conky to determine the idle frequency is stupid for reasons i won't get into
use cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state

dr_frost_dk 2010-10-14 19:37

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!
No processes are running when connected to PC, it just sets minimum clock to 500mhz.
it's not a problem now that i know that it is only while connected to PC, which is not a charging method i am using as standard.
it is charging when connected to USB, no errors or anything it just doesn't charge very fast, again referring to USB 2.0/1.0 500mA cap

But i would like to know if anybody out there knows how to edit/change the phones battery reporting system, so a lower battery voltage can be set to the 'Low Battery Warning'
Right now my phone is reporting 17% battery left, but my own battery 'app' says 50%, and it is more accurate because not 1 minute after it says 0% the phone shuts off at the low voltage of 3.3V.

So for everyone out there that's wondering about the 500mhz minimum lock, it's only when connected to PC

sjgarciav 2010-11-16 22:52

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!

Originally Posted by eitama (Post 840204)
Hmm, I don't think it's a virus.
My N900 has been a pain in the-charging-*** since day 1.
50% of the times I plug it to AC/Car charger it won't recognize it.
USB works all the time.
It killed 3 chargers.
1. Original 110V from USA
2. Original 220V bought in Israel for Nokia with 1mAH or something like that
3. Some car charger unbranded.

Anyway, I'll be happy to assist in anyway.

PS, saw your PM, just answered.

I have the same problem....
I bought the N900 in USA since almost a year ago. However I have the problem since a month ago.
Original wall charger and generic charger is almost never recognized... unless i connect the charger and then turn off the phone and then the led starts to show me that the phone is being charged when phone is off....
It is also charged when I connect the charger when the phone is on, and the I reboot it....
Usb connection is always successful... however when the phone seems to start charging... the real fact is that nothing happens... I mean the led shows that phone is being charged but battery wont charge....
I have flashed maemo and emmc several times... however i cannot get rid of the problem...
Do you solve the problem???
anny suggestion...
is there hardware issue???
i'm from south america... it's almost impossible to find a official nokia support center....

eitama 2010-11-17 07:18

Re: N900 Charging problem - cause: unknown, solution: available!

Originally Posted by sjgarciav (Post 875543)
I have the same problem....
I bought the N900 in USA since almost a year ago. However I have the problem since a month ago.
Original wall charger and generic charger is almost never recognized... unless i connect the charger and then turn off the phone and then the led starts to show me that the phone is being charged when phone is off....
It is also charged when I connect the charger when the phone is on, and the I reboot it....
Usb connection is always successful... however when the phone seems to start charging... the real fact is that nothing happens... I mean the led shows that phone is being charged but battery wont charge....
I have flashed maemo and emmc several times... however i cannot get rid of the problem...
Do you solve the problem???
anny suggestion...
is there hardware issue???
i'm from south america... it's almost impossible to find a official nokia support center....

sjgarciav, Yes mate, I feel your pain.
I did solve the problem, I threw the N900 into oblivion and got a Samsung Galaxy S.
Always charges, from ANY charger with micro-usb head.
It'll even charge off my 40$ DVD player with it's usb socket.
It will charge from the car radio USB Socket.

Sorry mate,
That's the only advice I can give you.
BTW, you don't need "Official" Nokia,
Find a good store that fixes phone, get them to offer you a fixing price, maybe they can fix it.

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