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Clubberlang 2010-10-20 18:00

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
wait... there is a new sgx driver? I thought they weren't fixing it.

PradaBrada 2010-10-20 18:02

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by cutehunk04 (Post 846303)
one of m frn is in nokia, just tlkd to him, he said PR 1.3 ll b out soon... may b the end of week.... cheers

thts a gud thry

woody14619 2010-10-20 18:07

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by Parody (Post 846061)
yes I guess all those bricked devices were a coincidence

All those bricked devices? Can you point to one? Didn't think so.

The N900 is very difficult to brick. Worst case some people had to re-flash back to the old software because the beta had an incompatibility with an app or two, or certain SIM cards. I've yet to hear of a single N900 bricking due to software. The few that have bricked have primarily been due to hardware failures.


Originally Posted by longcat (Post 846054)
why do you bother, wait for real one, this one is unfinished

While I agree, I also snagged a copy of the image. One can extract/examine parts from the image if one wants to without flashing it to a device. Plus, in the unlikely event that PR1.3 doesn't come down the line, I'd rather have a copy that I can optionally upgrade to, vs not having bothered getting a copy and then having no options. :)

That's the reason I got the N900. So have the option to run whatever I want on it. I'll probably wait for PR1.3 to drop, mainly because I'd rather at least try to do an OTA update vs a reflash. Simply snagging a copy of a W36 image doesn't mean I'm obligated to flash it...

Dave999 2010-10-20 18:14

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
I dont think the leaked PR1.2 bricked any devices. Howerver, there were some issues. But a reflash solved all of them.

read this thread and report back if you find any bricked devices ;)

geneven 2010-10-20 18:25

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by Parody (Post 846061)
yes I guess all those bricked devices were a coincidence

There were no bricked devices. You have to read those threads carefully. There were people who tried to go back to the earlier version, and the solution was to not do that, or to go back to the leaked version at the time.

On the other hand, there are excellent arguments for claiming that the non-leaked PR2.1 hurt a number of people. This would be misleading too, for certain reasons, but numerically many more people claimed to have struck disaster with the official version of PR1.2.

smoothc 2010-10-20 18:26

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 846318)
I dont think the leaked PR1.2 bricked any devices. Howerver, there were some issues. But a reflash solved all of them.

read this thread and report back if you find any bricked devices ;)

Some people would say they bricked their device when they needed to flash it.

elie-7 2010-10-20 18:29

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
nice nice, more ways to make the n900 even faster !
now just one question, after pr1.3, will we be able to overclock directly ?? or can we install modified hildon-desktops directly ? or can we have custom transitions directly ??
or do we have to wait for more updates ?

ossipena 2010-10-20 18:34

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 846056)
They warned us about PR1.2 leaked and the warnings turned out to be total BS.

yeah, the people who got their messages screwed just accidentally went to command line and initiated sqlite connection to rtcom-eventlogger -database altering something essential...

geneven 2010-10-20 18:43

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 846345)
yeah, the people who got their messages screwed just accidentally went to command line and initiated sqlite connection to rtcom-eventlogger -database altering something essential...

So they had to throw their N900s away?

woody14619 2010-10-20 19:01

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by smoothc (Post 846334)
Some people would say they bricked their device when they needed to flash it.

Those people would be using the term bricked incorrectly then.

Bricking is when your device becomes about as useful as a brick, or a door stop or such. If your PC crashed and you had to pull out the re-install CDs and reinstall your OS, would you call that "bricked"? No. Because once you re-install, it's still a useful device.

You can actually brick a number of phones (including some iPhones) with a hack or a software update gone wrong. It can wind up in a state where you can't fix it without custom in-house tools. In some cases, some poorly designed devices can wind up completely unfix-able. You can brick many devices where the flash loader is in flash itself, and is typically overwritten as part of the update.

The N900 has it's flash code in ROM, and Nokia has at least 3 release images that you can download and flash directly to the device via common computers that most people have access to. You can reload that software if something happens and you'll wind up in a known state, with a working base device again. And since all the tools are local, you can download and archive them, and as long as you have another device with a compatible architecture for flashing, you can use those archives for as long as both devices survive.

The only way to brick an N900 is by damaging hardware, and with very few exceptions (eg. i2c) you can't do that via software on the N900.

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