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Reggie 2010-10-29 22:23

Re: Server outages
FYI, the forum server might reboot several times today to fix some memory issues.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

scribbles 2010-10-29 22:42

Re: Server outages

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 850693)
Daily backup happens at 1AM (EDT) for about an hour or so, so during that time, you might not be able to access the server.

I should have read this thread 2 nights ago. I've been getting pissed the last 2 nights here on the west coast. I start having problems around 10:20pm or so when I can't even access the page until close to midnight :mad:

Reggie 2010-10-29 23:01

Re: Server outages
Server back up, and memory fixed with the help of the host.

I will keep monitoring the server though.

Thanks for your patience.

slender 2010-10-30 05:41

Re: Server outages
And pretty please could you report about these issues & maintenance in announcements/news. Itīs somewhat weird to report here in single thread which gets burried quite quickly and moreover will be offline during downtime.

Thanks for the all hard work :)

Facebook+twitter+announcements( would be nice.

Reggie 2010-10-31 05:17

Re: Server outages

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 850703)
Old-school backup system where you have to take down the service for a while? I thought everyone did backups on the fly these days (i.e. RAID, Tivoli, etc.). More curious than anything, old-school backup system is a pain but I'm sure it's cheaper, too.

Finally found the problem. Everything should be good now and backup should now work on the fly (posting this while the backup is running).

Again, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the patience and understanding.

Radicalz38 2010-10-31 12:12

Re: Server outages
does this issue have anything to do about the repo being locked out from being navigated through browser? Yesterday I could still browse and download some updated apps from repo by downloading it manually through pc but today I can't even access the repo's folder view I can just download if I get to have the hotlink.

Reggie 2010-10-31 14:11

Re: Server outages
No sorry. The repos run on an entirely different server which I don't have access to. You might want to start a new thread about it.

I've changed the thread title to lessen the confusion.


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