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maxximuscool 2010-10-27 01:20

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
yeah it works now :D

lucky88shp 2010-10-27 01:25

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Are u using PR1.3?

Hariainm 2010-10-27 01:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by lucky88shp (Post 852414)
So i tried again, but still the same error 'home/user/applications/nova/nova/nova' is not executable....dammit!!!

LOL how many nova directories have you (/nova/nova/nova !?) well, i'm going to explain it from the beginning:

- First of all, N.O.V.A. needs an extra package in order to run. Do this in xterm:

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install libsdl-net1.2

- Get yourself a copy of *.ipk file or the whole directory tree of the app from your Palm Pre
- If you have the .ipk file, extract it with 7zip, and them the data.tar with WinRAR (sometimes 7zip doesn't get the correct directories, at least for me). you can do this in Windows, Linux or your own N900 if you have installed p7zip and untar.
- You should get /usr/palm/applications/ and inside it /nova directory with nova executable (7.6Mb) and lot of more stuff, and appinfo.json and icon.png files
- Place only and all its content (/nova and other files) in N900's /home/user directory. How? with SSH or simple mv command from your MyDocs (main internal mass storage) to that.
- Add permissions to file

sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/com.gameloft.nova/nova
chmod 755 nova

- Now make a desktop icon

desktopgen /home/user/
- Now run Preenv enviroment with preenv command and type ./nova And game will run!
(TIPS: use Tab function of your terminal to autocomplete paths in order to save you some typos and mistakes. If you are lost in wich directory are you, run pwd command)
Sorry but if you can't get it to run after this... i can't explain it more noob-friendly xD

lucky88shp 2010-10-27 02:00

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Man, u r the best!!!
I know im a noob at this, but the key was the command
'chmod 755 nova'
Tht made it work!!! Thnx alot man, seriously! :D
Btw, wut does the command 'chmod 755' do?

Hariainm 2010-10-27 02:11

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by lucky88shp (Post 852495)

Man, u r the best!!!
I know im a noob at this, but the key was the command
'chmod 755 nova'
Tht made it work!!! Thnx alot man, seriously! :D
Btw, wut does the command 'chmod 755' do?

Hahaha! At least!
By the way, chmod gives you control over UNIX premissions (read, write and exec), but only on UNIX filesystems (like our /home/user ext3 partition) That's why you need to place games there, and not in MyDocs (partitioned in NTFS, that not supports this feature)
You can also do chmod +rwx instead of 755, it does basicly the same.

lfcobra 2010-10-27 02:18

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by mele (Post 852056)
Brothers In Arms working, but u need multitouh
Monopoly Classic working

Brothers in Arms is actually quite playable if you go into the options menu and change the control set to #3. You will have to run, stop, then aim, then fire, but its totally doable. I just played through the first mission without dieing. :)

lucky88shp 2010-10-27 02:20

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Not really in my case, 'chmod +rwx' didnt work!! I know tht command, Im not tht much of a noob! :)
But 'chmod 755' worked!!! And i didnt know tht one! Thnx :)

midflow 2010-10-27 02:20

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
It seems only run if we copy games to /home/user? My installation memory is nearly full. How to use other memory location?

Hariainm 2010-10-27 02:20

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 852530)
Brothers in Arms is actually quite playable if you go into the options menu and change the control set to #3. You will have to run, stop, then aim, then fire, but its totally doable. I just played through the first mission without dieing. :)

I can't get it to run. May be because i'm still in PR1.2? wich firmware and game version have you?

porselinaheart 2010-10-27 02:23

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Blades of Fury tested and working. For those having problems with NOVA, refer front page of this thread, as u can see there is a dependency listed there. try installing the dependency manually and then give the game a go.

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