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quokka 2010-11-08 08:07

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
i get a bad CRC message at boot, i think this is problem. Will type out complete page soon, is hard because backlight turns off after first reboot, and screen is small.
ATM i have reflashed new PR1.3, verbose kernel and robbies backup image.

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-09 06:01

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
If you have my image flashed, try booting with the keyboard open - Do you boot into BackupMenu?

quokka 2010-11-09 09:08

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
here ar the last few lines displayed before it reboots (pr1.3, verbose kernel, robbies image, keyboard open)
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_check_node: bad CRC: calculated 0x261c4676, read 0x82aac9f0

UBFIS error (pid 1): ubifs_check_node: bad node at LEB 0:0

UBFIS error (pid 1): ubifs_read_node: expected node type 6

VFS: cannot open root device "ubi0:rootfs" or unknown block(0:0)

please append a correct "boot=" option, here are the available partitions:

Kernel panic- not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (o:0)

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-09 10:07

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Hm, I may have uploaded a bad image then...
Edit: Yes, I seem to have. mtd-utils sometimes flakes out; some versions work, some don't.
I've made a new image with the latest BackupMenu, tested it myself, and am uploading it. You can download it at:
In about an hour from this post.

quokka 2010-11-09 11:21

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
ty, i'll update tommorow.
If i cant get phone working by thursday i'm sending it back to honk kong

quokka 2010-11-09 11:23

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
do u know about warranty issues? i assume if i flash it back to pr1.3 before i send there will be no trace anyway

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-09 12:19

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Yea, that should be true.

quokka 2010-11-11 07:10

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
excellent it boots! now what... :)

quokka 2010-11-11 07:12

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
i get boot menu with keyboard open, reboot loop with keyboard closed

quokka 2010-11-11 07:28

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
can enable usb r/w, and check fs prgram, returns code:8 for OPTFS

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