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lieronet 2011-02-17 20:34

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
When you give it to a kid than yes :) with the battery, my other rc helicopter about 450 grams can fly for 10 minutes, and it barely can fly with a 30 gramm camera, but the drone can fly for above 10 minutes, but with a newer and cheaper Turingy battery (2700 mAh) it can stay in air for 30 minutes, but i recommend small pauses between :) the heigh.. with my n900 yes only 6 meters in heigh, but when i turn of echolocators with other program on my pc It can high as 20 meters for sure, I didnt had the guts to try more, but you can see on youtube fools trying twice as much.

gerdich 2011-02-17 21:28

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
I don't know how much the helicopters can wear. But the new models seem very strong.

Often they can be charged by USB-cables.
You could try to connect it to the n900,

I am sure they would fly more than 1 hour.

lieronet 2011-02-17 21:38

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900

Originally Posted by gerdich (Post 949212)
I don't know how much the helicopters can wear. But the new models seem very strong.

Often they can be charged by USB-cables.
You could try to connect it to the n900,

I am sure they would fly more than 1 hour.

Well, the ones with usb charging are charging aproximatly for 30 minutes and the battery is about 170 mAh, N900 has 1300 plus its own waight. Some copters seems strong but unless gasoline they are weak. So the best for the drone is buy a spare battery.
With the drone the problem is its too big for indoor use and I would like more to control a palmsized heli with my N900 but over wifi with video would be fun. I hope it comes a time when the stuff gets cheaper :) I do not like so much solder own things or lets admit , I just cant ;-) so I always have to wait what other people invent & sell.
Why I bought the drone ? I was always into rc stuff and previously wanted to buy nokia N8 for 500 € ... but things changed and instead I bought a used nokia N900 and had some money left for the drone :)

gerdich 2011-02-17 21:48

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
You did good!

I was also in the shop to inform myself about the drone. They made a very good offer to me because I am a good client.
But I didn't buy it because it hadn't been provided for n900.

I don't think that the offer is still available.

TiagoTiago 2011-02-17 22:03

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
I do like the way it looks, but unfortunatly the price is about 10 times the maximum price i would pay for it, and the flighttime is at least around a fifth of what i would be satisfied with for that price :(

lieronet 2011-02-17 22:09

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
Well, its kind hard to operate it with N900 without multitouch, i have look at the screen often. This is the only app I know for the drone and it needs some finishing touch. If you dont need one, dont buy one :) I wanted to buy a used one.... but no way here.

TiagoTiago 2011-02-17 22:27

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
Somthing that would probably be awesome regarding controls, would if there was a way to map a Dualshock3's axes and buttons to inputs for the drone.

lieronet 2011-02-17 22:40

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 949254)
Somthing that would probably be awesome regarding controls, would if there was a way to map a Dualshock3's axes and buttons to inputs for the drone.

It already is, even the bluetooth PS3 controller, but you have to control the drone over pc, not over n900 :/

TiagoTiago 2011-02-17 23:04

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
I meant with the DS3 connected to the N900.

lieronet 2011-02-17 23:07

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 949281)
I meant with the DS3 connected to the N900.

what brings me to idea how cool would it be to use the drone with nintendo DS or 3DS , both have wifi, two screens, one touch, enogh buttons... but no app for that

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