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Rugoz 2011-02-11 19:56

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Feel sorry for you guys. **** the bosses!

stlpaul 2011-02-11 20:02

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 941795)
And what do you have to say this time about the shiny future of Meego and Qt?

P.S. I didn't mean to be rude, I know you are just employees.

They walked out in protest:

mrojas 2011-02-11 20:14

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

I think I speak in the name of everyone who had Maemo and MeeGo (and Qt too!) as their favorites in this mobile race, when I say:


You and the guys stood like champs and did the best you could. Respect!


Rugoz 2011-02-11 20:14

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
I feel that something in meego development must have gone completely wrong. But I cannot see what that would be...maybe someone can give us some insight here...

mrojas 2011-02-11 20:23

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 943129)
I feel that something in meego development must have gone completely wrong. But I cannot see what that would be...maybe someone can give us some insight here...

Maemo Harmattan was close to be finished but had rough edges.

Then it merged with Moblin to be MeeGo.

Which meant delays while the infrastructure was being integrated.

Then Ari Jaaksi got out and they brought the guy from Palm who probably made them restart designing the UI and polish those rough edges. More delays.

Then comes Elop and says "Oh noes! MeeGo is delayed and we have no premium phone; so let's delay even more the launch of premium phones by adopting a platform with only 2 million users worldwide! And while we are it, let's throw the bus over our loyal developers by abandoning Qt! Do it for the lulz!".

*sigh* I bet the MeeGo device will be launched before the WP7 one (and it's going to have a crapton more features, for God's sake, S40 has more features than WP7).

Brock 2011-02-11 21:12

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
I stay strong and will buy the meego device... and if it is just to show elop that he is wrong!
Who is with me?

stlpaul 2011-02-11 21:20

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by Brock (Post 943206)
I stay strong and will buy the meego device... and if it is just to show elop that he is wrong!
Who is with me?

At least you'll know it's a dead-end before buying, instead of 3 months after release like with N900.

gerbick 2011-02-11 21:20

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Would have, could have, should have... that's the story around Maemo and now MeeGo.

Mer? Dead.
Mer ^2? Dead.
MeeGo Harmattan? Dead.

The people that worked on this will probably never respond. But it says more about what didn't happen as opposed to what was planned.

christexaport 2011-02-11 21:35

Re: And where is Quim Gil?

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 941887)
For most of us, this is 'just' our hobby and software for our gadgets.
For some people here, like Quim, it's his job. Or maybe even more.

Please take a second to think and have a bit of consideration when posting in this thread.

Amen. Quim was OUR soldier. He had a job to do, but he loves open source, Linux, and freedom. Like Anssi, we may be losing another major advocate for OUR way of life.

Good luck, Quim. I love you, bro. If things don't work at Nokia, remember, MeeGo is everywhere.

Linux for LIFE!

ivgalvez 2011-02-11 21:55

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
He lives in California, I wish he could join the Web OS people and keep working on open source.

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