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abill_uk 2011-02-13 03:06

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 944568)
My impression is that it was planned at some point to merge this site into! Somehow that seems less likely now.

What is happening seems to me to show the folly of putting all our eggs into the Nokia basket. Or, for that matter, the Maemo basket. As I have said before many times, this site is a wonderful place and the best way to keep it going is to return to InternetTabletTalk.

Edit: Maybe we could get sponsorship from Intel. From news reports they seem to have been shaken up by the sudden deemphasis of Meego.

The reason i mentioned the re-name mainly is the name itself is rather derogatory of Nokia and will get peoples backs up just looking at the site by its name.

Nokia on the other hand do not seem to be anyone's best friend right now.

Yes i agree this IS a wonderful place once you get the hang of it haha.

Intel are a much better bet than Nokia right now i have to say.

MohammadAG 2011-02-13 08:31

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 944599)
Basically your'e saying, that "we" (community/everyone who wants to help) can open the 100% of the N900?

What happen with the phone part? I mean, with all the differents laws that exists in every country, for example (hypothetically speaking), "we" can put 3G video call in the N900, or integrate by default stuff like twitter or anything else.

Could be done? There would be any kind of problem by doing that?


UI parts, mostly - yes (I'm not exactly sure how one would replace mce, but if 2.6.32+ was ported (MeeGo uses 2.6.37 atm), then we can use the open source mce that's on gitorious).

A phone dialer app rewrite is planned, but I have no experience with modems and/or how to manage calls, so I'll leave that to someone else.

s4br0s0 2011-02-13 16:13

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 944762)
UI parts, mostly - yes (I'm not exactly sure how one would replace mce, but if 2.6.32+ was ported (MeeGo uses 2.6.37 atm), then we can use the open source mce that's on gitorious).

A phone dialer app rewrite is planned, but I have no experience with modems and/or how to manage calls, so I'll leave that to someone else.

Very interesting and promising, so the plan is go for it to open the device 100% (or try to get most that "we" can) and then do stuff that people request (and can be possible of course)?

i'm very glad with this community, thank you, really.


Patroclo 2011-02-13 16:34

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
Does anyone know if the applications in the download section of this site will remain there or they will be deleted?

JamesBond@ge 2011-02-13 18:02

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
MohammedAG is a legend to be honest.

law138 2011-02-13 18:06

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

fpp 2011-02-13 19:45

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
So, back to Internet Tablet Talk, maybe ? :-)

Jaffa 2011-02-13 20:07

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 945285)
So, back to Internet Tablet Talk, maybe ? :-)

Why? geneven suggested this above. I'm afraid it makes no sense to me: this is not the place to discuss Android, WebOS or iOS devices in depth. Even if we wanted to, it doesn't have those platforms top-talent involved, so what would be the point? Every person who makes up the community is faced with a choice:
  1. Stick with Maemo until something better comes along (including Nokia scrapping the MS deal and going back to MeeGo in 3 years' time ;-))
  2. Move to a commodity Android device
  3. Move to an iOS device
  4. Move to a WebOS device
  5. Go to Nokia, or someone else's, "MeeGo device".

I'm taking option #1, because I've no idea what "something better" might be now. Maybe there'll be a cool MeeGo device from a manufacturer ploughing the funds, and their strategy, into MeeGo. Or maybe HP will start expanding the WebOS market into the EU more.

However, everyone will make their own choice. Only if everyone chose the same, and it wasn't option #1 would a rename from to seem to make sense.

geneven 2011-02-13 20:09

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
I hope that someone associated with this site starts looking for alternative funding soon. I would think that InternetTabletTalk would be an attactive place to find users looking for good tablets/phones.

Edit: many of these other devices are already being discussed A LOT in depth here, despite Jaffa's comment above.

Jaffa 2011-02-13 20:09

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by Patroclo (Post 945092)
Does anyone know if the applications in the download section of this site will remain there or they will be deleted?

They will remain there for now. The Council have a commitment from Nokia that we'll get a heads' up if their sponsorship of this community-owned site will change. If it does, we can look at the costs and requirements therein and make a decision as to how best to support the site in future.

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