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danramos 2011-03-16 05:30

Re: Will there be a PR 1.4 update from Nokia??

Originally Posted by shazosbourne (Post 968606)
Charlie Sheen is winning PR1.4!

Here's some proposals for codenames to Maemo versions that will never come out, then:
Maemo 7: "Sleep" or maybe "Sheep", funny how sleep rhymes with sheep? You know?
Maemo 8: "Tiger Blood"
Maemo 9: "Gnarly Gnarlingtons " (What? Your brain can't process this alphabet?)
Maemo 10: "Vatican Assassin"
Maemo 11: "Warlock"

Maemo 6 should be out soon! We'll let you know when it goes from "tin can" beta to "pure gold" final release.

JadeH 2011-03-23 06:06

Re: Will there be a PR 1.4 update from Nokia??
I like CSSU more than a possible PR1.4, I think the maemo community is better at making maemo better than Nokia since they seemed to barely care since the beginning of PR's

tebsu 2011-03-23 08:55

Re: Will there be a PR 1.4 update from Nokia??
my mom just said "people in this thread, be careful... be really careful"

tho 2011-03-24 02:59

Re: Will there be a PR 1.4 update from Nokia??
Yes, there will be a PR 1.4 update, but I do not have the photoshop skills to prove it. :p

tetris11_ 2011-03-24 08:55

Re: Will there be a PR 1.4 update from Nokia??
agree with Jadeh - CSSU seems to be done by people who actually care

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