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orava 2011-05-25 10:06

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Mapsi version 2.5.0 is now in extras-devel.

If you installed libqtm-11-declarative package to get Mapsi v2.0.0 working, you can remove it because that is no longer needed in Mapsi v2.5.0. Newest version only uses libqtm-11-systeminfo and libqtm-11-location so you can remove all the other libqtm-11 packages (if you don't have other apps that are using those).

Also as made some changes to their website, if you remove settings.ini from .mapsi directory versions<2.5.0 don't work anymore.

Again, feedback is welcome.

orava 2011-05-25 10:13

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by extechop (Post 1014218)
I sort of understand the stylistic choices made, but it would be nice to be able to remember which button is zoom in and which is zoom out. Could we please have the traditional plus and minus, or have it configurable?

I added plus and minus zoom buttons to version 2.5.0.


Originally Posted by extechop (Post 1014218)
Just out of curiosity, would it in principle also be possible to create a formula for Mappero to use the map tiles, or is the projection somehow different?

The projection of the map tiles that Mappero uses is indeed different so it is not possible to use those in Mapsi, or not easily anyway.

copperviking 2011-05-25 16:33

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1015001)
Mapsi version 2.5.0 is now in extras-devel.

If you installed libqtm-11-declarative package to get Mapsi v2.0.0 working, you can remove it because that is no longer needed in Mapsi v2.5.0. Newest version only uses libqtm-11-systeminfo and libqtm-11-location so you can remove all the other libqtm-11 packages (if you don't have other apps that are using those).

Also as made some changes to their website, if you remove settings.ini from .mapsi directory versions<2.5.0 don't work anymore.

Again, feedback is welcome.

Excellent work! I try do download quite big piece of map, and now it's working. I'm not missing Mappero anymore.....

Metsämies 2011-05-25 16:43

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1015001)
Mapsi version 2.5.0 is now in extras-devel.

Again, feedback is welcome.

I had to download it manually, because the update was not found.

I walked along real estate boundaries and it worked very well. Only identifier was 3 meters away from map, but that's good for internal gps. I'm waiting for PC version and user selectable areas/layers for download. Support for storing maps on external SD card would be useful.

+/- buttons are more logical for zoom, thanks for adding !

As somebody mentioned earlier, short help would be useful.

Speed/distance etc bar should be (semi)transparent and it should show as much data as possible at one time (speed, km and scale). I haven't tried tracking and it's features, but time/km to next waypoint is useful also (Benefon Esc has it years ago!) . Do you have future plans for Mapsi ?

extechop 2011-05-26 08:51

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1015001)
Mapsi version 2.5.0 is now in extras-devel.

Great work, this is rapidly becoming a very good piece of software!


Originally Posted by orava (Post 1015001)
Also as made some changes to their website, if you remove settings.ini from .mapsi directory versions<2.5.0 don't work anymore.

Can you please clarify, I didn't quite understand what this means? I should not remove the settings.ini file or the earlier Mapsi versions (should I wish to downgrade to them) won't work?

orava 2011-05-26 11:06

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by Metsämies (Post 1015236)
Support for storing maps on external SD card would be useful.

This is actually somewhat possible already. You can copy pti_wms.db from .mapsi directory to SD card and then select to use that database file from the settings. Also with Windows version(which will be probably released today) if you have N900 connected in mass storage mode, you can select to use Mapsi database in N900 so all downloaded map tiles will be saved there.


Originally Posted by Metsämies (Post 1015236)
Do you have future plans for Mapsi ?

I don't have in mind any new major features but I'll probably improve map tile downloading(possibility to download automatically from multiple layes and maybe dividing Finland in regions so that you can download all map tiles from one region and save it to its own database file) and also will do better geocaching support.

orava 2011-05-26 11:17

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by extechop (Post 1015861)
I should not remove the settings.ini file or the earlier Mapsi versions (should I wish to downgrade to them) won't work?

That's correct.

Btw you can try changing "rowCol" setting in settings.ini file (in MyDocs/.mapsi) from 5 to 7. That'll make zooming bit slower but then you won't "hit the edges" of the map area so easily. If you try changing that please let me know if you like it better so I know if I should change it to default setting.

copperviking 2011-05-26 14:25

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1015961)
This is actually somewhat possible already. You can copy pti_wms.db from .mapsi directory to SD card and then select to use that database file from the settings. Also with Windows version(which will be probably released today) if you have N900 connected in mass storage mode, you can select to use Mapsi database in N900 so all downloaded map tiles will be saved there.

I don't have in mind any new major features but I'll probably improve map tile downloading(possibility to download automatically from multiple layes and maybe dividing Finland in regions so that you can download all map tiles from one region and save it to its own database file) and also will do better geocaching support.

If I change the database to sd card, do I have to put settings.ini file there too?

orava 2011-05-26 18:01

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by copperviking (Post 1016065)
If I change the database to sd card, do I have to put settings.ini file there too?

No, just the database file. And if you change database from the settings that selection won't get saved, so if you want to use other database than default (in MyDocs/.mapsi/pti_wms.db) you'll need to select it every time you start Mapsi.

orava 2011-05-26 18:03

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
I added Windows version to the first post.

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