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tuxsavvy 2011-07-09 10:52

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900
I hate to break it to you but your thread title was rather misleading :) There is a difference between OBD and OBDII. Lots of older cars (I think predating year 2000) runs on OBD system which included my car.

thopiekar 2011-07-09 22:26

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1047670)
I hate to break it to you but your thread title was rather misleading :) There is a difference between OBD and OBDII. Lots of older cars (I think predating year 2000) runs on OBD system which included my car.

btw. it isn't also OBDII which is used there. The ELM chip it the adapter is doing the biggest job, like checking the sent checksum from the OBDII interface ;)

thopiekar 2011-07-11 09:20

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900
Sure this could maybe not be the right place for asking that, but which output did you get when connecting the ELM327 device via serial connection?
Need the information to make my modules compatible to other devices.

Here is how to connect to your device using hcitool and python using pybluez:
1. Find out which bluetooth address your adapter has

hcitool scan
2. Launch the python console

3. import the pybluez modules

import bluetooth
3. create a bluetooth rfcomm socket

sock=bluetooth.BluetoothSocket( bluetooth.RFCOMM )
sock.connect((<btaddr>, 1))

4. get the message from the socket

5. close the connection

I expect something like: "\r\rELM327 v1.4\r\r>"
Can you confirm this?

p900 2011-07-18 16:44

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900
thanks for your effort.

I have a Volvo S40 1.6 (2006 model)
and a hyundai i10 (2010 model)

PS carman works great with those cars

trigaum 2011-08-16 19:20

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900
so thanks man! iŽd aprecciate if you add for Peugeot 307!!

rege 2011-08-25 14:05

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900
any download links? i want to try it :)

tuxsavvy 2011-08-25 16:40

Re: DontGo - OBD Diagnostics on N900

Originally Posted by thopiekar (Post 1047984)
btw. it isn't also OBDII which is used there. The ELM chip it the adapter is doing the biggest job, like checking the sent checksum from the OBDII interface ;)

I'm not too familiar with all the inner workings but the bottom line is that OBDII is incompatible with OBD and vice versa :). its somewhat a shame because it means that for car enthusiasts who have to much smaller sized budgets have to get appropriate and different equipment to suit what matters on hand.

For now I guess I don't have much of a choice but to use whatever software that is fully compatible with OBD and it only works under windows called efilive.

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