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Rugoz 2011-06-30 22:05

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!
Lets hope that is a mistake or a joke or both. Because otherwise this will kill n9 sales. I'm sure carriers in the countries left out (at least the european ones) are currently putting pressure on nokia to supply them with the n9. Nokia currently needs some serious kick in the *** from carriers. I'm sure they're not excited about having more wp7 handsets which don't sell.

jotoco 2011-06-30 22:17

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!
This is true.

Elop is planning on manufacting just under a 100k n9's. So it is expected that it's availability won't be too broad.

And it means you will probably not be able to import it, because of a limited amount of devices. I suspect the N9 will find it's way to ebay for upwards of U$1000,00 since it will be so rare.

Patrickcctx 2011-06-30 22:26

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!

Originally Posted by slaapliedje (Post 1042474)
I call bull crap. In fact I was thinking that more than likely the carriers will end up renaming the N9 to something lame like "the Nokia MoFo." Because Nokia is planning on Fo'ing your Mo'.

It's like the C7 is called the Nokia Astound on T-Mobile here.

Anyhow, doesn't really matter, since it supports both the T-Mobile and AT&T frequencies here in the USA, so even if they don't sell it here, doesn't mean we can't import it, right?


Can you imagine T-Mobile carrying the N9 in the US? Highly unlikely in my opinion.

I think the main reason Elop has decided that he doesn't want to release the N9 globally is that he doesn't want it to eclipse the WP7 phones coming out late this year and next year. So note that the US, Canada and the UK are left out of the release countries - I am guessing these are countries where Nokia really wants to focus on helping out Microsoft build market share.

cfh11 2011-06-30 22:35

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!

Originally Posted by jotoco (Post 1042479)
This is true.

Elop is planning on manufacting just under a 100k n9's. So it is expected that it's availability won't be too broad.

And it means you will probably not be able to import it, because of a limited amount of devices. I suspect the N9 will find it's way to ebay for upwards of U$1000,00 since it will be so rare.

:rolleyes: complete bullcrap

erendorn 2011-06-30 22:40

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!
Lol still based on the list from the first day. It's been discussed so much. Nobody knows, especially not eldar, and this list means no-thing. So yes it can be true (or not), but if I flip a coin, it can also be head (or tails), if you see what I mean.

slaapliedje 2011-06-30 23:21

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!

Originally Posted by Patrickcctx (Post 1042486)
Can you imagine T-Mobile carrying the N9 in the US? Highly unlikely in my opinion.

I think the main reason Elop has decided that he doesn't want to release the N9 globally is that he doesn't want it to eclipse the WP7 phones coming out late this year and next year. So note that the US, Canada and the UK are left out of the release countries - I am guessing these are countries where Nokia really wants to focus on helping out Microsoft build market share.

What would be the point in supporting the frequencies it does then? As far as I know, the only ones really using 1700/2100 UMTS is T-Mobile and very few others in Canada and US. Why would they make the N9 handle these if it was never meant to work here... so either way, the N9 should work here, even if we have to import it.

jolo 2011-06-30 23:57

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
I work for Nokia, and have been told that the N9 will be available in those markets, via on-line partners. This is still subject to change, but I believe the sales teams have heard about the interest in the N9 and are planning how to sell them.

sjgadsby 2011-07-01 01:37

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
The thread "Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!" (8 posts) has been merged into this thread.

kevloral 2011-07-01 07:10

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 1042476)
I'm sure they're not excited about having more wp7 handsets which don't sell.

Actually, it is the carriers that don't want any wp7 handset to sell.

cy8aer 2011-07-01 07:17

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
For Europe I do not have so much problems: It is sold in Austria, Finland... So then: Buy it in Austria or Finland if you live in EU. You have the same online rights as in every other EU state (e.g 2 weeks send back...). There is not every thing bad in EU. If you really want the N9, so what...

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