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middguy 2007-08-08 03:20

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
Only thing was that after partitioning the card (1gb) I turned the virtual memory back on as prior posts said that might help. That was before copying the file systems.

No red pill or anything. Where are you having problems?

stewp6340 2007-08-08 04:09

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

everytime that I try to perform the full copy (/tar-temp/bin/tar cf - -C .floppy . | /tar-temp/bin/tar xvf - -C /opt), the copy starts and goes for about 10-15 minutes, and then at some point, xterm aborts, and the copy terminates (early?). Then, if I try to finish the instructions, and reboot, when I select to boot from mmc2 (stable), it gives a "boot from mmc2 failed. booting from flash" message. Boot from flash appears to work fine.

how exactly did you turn virtual memory back on? Previous instructions did not match what I saw under control panel.


middguy 2007-08-08 04:54

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
I turned virtual memory on right before doing this part

"insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext2.ko
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /opt
mkdir /floppy
mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock4 /floppy"

I would advise you to reflash and start all over and try that. Once virtual memory was enabled it took around 25 minutes to finish on my 770.

Now I just wonder if there is a way to automate this if I ever need to reflash it. Its a PITA

stewp6340 2007-08-08 12:19

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Did you turn virtual memory on from Tools->Control Panel->Memory->Virtual tab? How much did you enable (default seems to be 64MB)?

tama 2007-08-08 12:50

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 66533)

Did you turn virtual memory on from Tools->Control Panel->Memory->Virtual tab? How much did you enable (default seems to be 64MB)?

Yes that's the way. Pickup 64 MB. You can lower it or disable it or even keep it after tar is over successfully.

While you are at it, use the partition type as 'b' instead of '6' for /dev/mmcblk0p1
i.e instead of

# apt-get install e2fsprogs
# umount /media/mmc1
# umount /media/mmc2 (for N800 only!)
# sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0


# apt-get install e2fsprogs
# umount /media/mmc1
# umount /media/mmc2 (for N800 only!)
# sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0

That will make mmc1 partition as FAT32 instead of FAT16. Believe me you will realise its imprtance later. ALSO NOTE: that the above numbers are for 2 GB ard. The 52500 will put about 1.68 GB in MMC1 and 320 MB in mmc2 which is for dual boot partition on your mmc.

stewp6340 2007-08-08 13:45

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Yes that's the way. Pickup 64 MB. You can lower it or disable it or even keep it after tar is over successfully.

While you are at it, use the partition type as 'b' instead of '6' for /dev/mmcblk0p1


# apt-get install e2fsprogs
# umount /media/mmc1
# umount /media/mmc2 (for N800 only!)
# sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0

That will make mmc1 partition as FAT32 instead of FAT16. Believe me you will realise its imprtance later. ALSO NOTE: that the above numbers are for 2 GB ard. The 52500 will put about 1.68 GB in MMC1 and 320 MB in mmc2 which is for dual boot partition on your mmc.
Thanks, I will try this shortly. How far would you recommend I back up in the sequence? Go back to re-partition and format, clearly, but do you think that I need to reflash the dual-boot initfs_flash from fanoush, or skip that step; and go directly into the mount and TAR step?

Thanks for your help, all

tama 2007-08-08 14:15

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 66572)
Thanks, I will try this shortly. How far would you recommend I back up in the sequence? Go back to re-partition and format, clearly, but do you think that I need to reflash the dual-boot initfs_flash from fanoush, or skip that step; and go directly into the mount and TAR step?

Thanks for your help, all

Use this procesure


#unmount /opt
#unmount /floppy
#unmount /media/mmc1
#unmount /media/mmc2

Then follow
(With partition values as shown in above post).


Skip this, as you already have this.
# apt-get install e2fsprogs


# umount /media/mmc1
# umount /media/mmc2 (for N800 only!)
# sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Skip this

# mkdosfs /dev/mmcblk0p1
Use this (This will make FAT 32, with cluster size of 1 KB). If you want bigger cluster size then use -s 4 for 2 KB, -s 8 for 4 KB, or -s 16 for 8 KB, or -s 32 for 16 KB. I like small as I have many small file. It becomes slightly slow, but I need to have small cluster size. You can use -s 4 for 2 KB or -s 8 for 4 KB. But many small files < 4 KB will waste lost of space).

# mkdosfs -s 2 -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p1
# shutdown -r now

Do this

# mke2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
# shutdown -r now

Do These

# insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext2.ko
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /media/mmc2

Then follow
Skip these

# cd /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/
# tar zxvf initfs_flasher.tgz
# cd initfs_flasher/
# ./initfs_flash

Skip these

# mkdir /opt/
# mkdir /floppy/


# apt-get -d install tar
# cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
# mkdir /tar-temp/
# dpkg -x tar*.deb /tar-temp/

But execute rest of the commands. DO These

(for N770 skip this)
# insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.18-omap1/mbcache.ko


# insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext2.ko
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /opt
# mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock4 /floppy

Do: Now Tools->Control Panel->Memory->Virtual Memory. Select 64 MB.


# /tar-temp/bin/tar cf - -C /floppy . | /tar-temp/bin/tar xvf - -C /opt

# umount /opt
# umount /floppy
# chroot /mnt/initfs cal-tool --set-root-device ask:mmc2
# shutdown -r now

stewp6340 2007-08-08 14:33

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

That is exactly the kind of post I was looking for. I have a few things to do here at work first, then I am going to sneak the N770 out of my briefcase and start in on this procedure. Thanks so much for the effort.

middguy 2007-08-08 17:00

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
Good luck. I love it after the dual boot. Only thing now is that when I try to backup the system crashes. No idea why. Might have to start all over again and make the card Fat32

stewp6340 2007-08-08 17:14

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

when you said that you started all over from the beginning by reflashing, what system/file did you reflash? I am wondering if I should do the same? What reflash method did you use?

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