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coderedcomputing 2011-12-02 22:54

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1132366)
If you read the review for headphone usage the N9 topped this comparo 'overall'.
N900 come out in front in one or two significant areas (depending on your usage).

But for the N9 or N900 to lose against the N91 is nothing snicker at, see why

No no, I get that, and I've been eyeing one just to get as a player, it just seems like... if a company can include a DSP-33 chip with the H&K amp, I would shoot for quality like that in any of the high end 'flagship' devices!

jalyst 2011-12-02 23:03

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout
Ah I see.....
N9 has an interesting DSP too, but not of them same 'audiophile' calibre.
Has other interesting potential uses though, & the Dolby is a nice touch.

Drekkie 2012-01-11 17:08

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout
I've filed a bug for gapless playback to be added to the N9 Audio player. Please vote for this bug to support it.

Seemed like a good enough thread to post this in rather than starting a new one.

jalyst 2012-01-11 18:19

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout
There is at least one 3rd-party player that will be supporting that soon.
QuaserMX is one I recall OTTOMH...
Might be best for them to focus on other things*, but thanks for taking the initiative,

*There's soooo many feature/design limitations & "BUGS" it's crazy!

Drekkie 2012-01-11 19:23

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1148995)
There is at least one 3rd-party player that will be supporting that soon.
QuaserMX is one I recall OTTOMH...

Yes, I'm anxiously awaiting that QuasarMX feature, but I learned from the N900 days (Instinctiv) that its best not to put all my eggs in one basket, so I figure I need to start my petitioning all over again for the N9. At least we eventually got Rockbox ported to the N900, which supports it. The Quasar dev has confirmed gapless will eventually come so I will remain positive on that.

If I could get gapless and skype/peregrine video chat on the N9 I will be perfectly content if I never received another update from Nokia (gave up hoping on the FM transmitter, or was that deemed impossible due to hardware antenna issues?).

jalyst 2012-01-11 19:34

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout

Originally Posted by Drekkie (Post 1149058)
If I could get gapless and skype/peregrine video chat on the N9 I will be perfectly content if I never received another update from Nokia (gave up hoping on the FM transmitter, or was that deemed impossible due to hardware antenna issues?).

vid-chat's supposedly confirmed (among other things) see this thread:
Change log could be wrong of course.....

FMTX is not ruled-out entirely yet, N950 is... follow the thread at FMC.

Drekkie 2012-01-11 19:43

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1149065)
vid-chat's supposedly confirmed (among other things) see this thread:
Change log could be wrong of course.....

FMTX is not ruled-out entirely yet, N950 is... follow the thread at FMC.

I literally just saw that right as you posted it. nice!

I'm not used to all this optimism wrt/ Nokia. lol

*patiently awaits the big let down* :cool:

DarkSkies 2012-01-11 23:18

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout

Originally Posted by Drekkie (Post 1149058)
Yes, I'm anxiously awaiting that QuasarMX feature [...] If I could get gapless [...]

That's right, Quasar needs gapless playback and good equalizer. If these two features come + Beta 1's superficial bugs will be fixed, it will become truly an outstanding player.

I am counting on QuasarMX becoming a mature player to be honest. I can't accept the fact that the default player does not feature bass and treble control.

jalyst 2012-01-18 12:44

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout

Originally Posted by bequezox (Post 1116343)
Finally, i've received the N91, and comparison is commenced! Update to come, hopefully soon!

Mate is this still happening?
No doubt you've just been too busy.


rob_kouw 2012-03-21 21:59

Re: Nokia N9, N900, Iphone3GS Music player review and shootout
Just bought an N9 recently, transferred some CDs from iTunes onto it through Nokia Link for Mac. Now I am able to play .aac files, but not .m4a (Apple Lossless).

I thought the N9 was supposed to play both types. Does anyone know?

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