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eaglehelang 2011-10-27 08:33

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?
wrong post

ysss 2011-10-27 09:11

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1112791)
No its you that iritates me because there is too many stupid threads like this at TMO! To much talk about a dead platform and similar stupid crap.

oh shaddup.

We're practically a cult that celebrates dead platforms. We cherish openness so much here that the posters are all practically nude.

afaq 2011-10-27 09:46

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?
Dead Platforms FTW.


Alex Atkin UK 2011-10-27 10:06

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1112777)
The title says it all: It's just another ridicilous thread:

* First that device is ugly IMHO.
* Second its Android
* Third, people buying N9 is not Android people...

Personally I dont give a **** if only 10 persons has N9 and the rest has Android or even WP. I know I bought a nice device, yes N9, so I dont need ask such stupid question ;) :cool:

I don't think its a stupid question at all, because I ditched my N900 in favour of an Android device (though granted, that had nothing to do with ICS) because I just couldn't live with the lack of app support and RAM any longer.

Its not like Android has anything close to the support of the evil fruit device, but its a damn site better than Nokia managed.

If I left because I did not consider the N9 viable (why lose the hardware keyboard if I am gaining little in other enhancements?), I doubt I am alone. The more functionality and stability Android offers, the less tempting the N9 becomes.

Alas the one thing my N900 offers that my LG Optimus 3D does not is superior stability, but that is simply because its hard to mess up a device that doesn't have a decent selection of apps to mess it up with.

I do miss the flexibility of the N900 sometimes and its still better at taking macro and indoor photos than any phone or camera I have owned. But for an actual phone I carry around with me, neither the N900 nor N9 can compete IMO.

Daneel 2011-10-27 10:33

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?
I guess it depends on your usage pattern.
My frustration with Android grows proportionally with the time i use it.

What scares me is that i might have been spoiled/broken by my N900 and right now there is no device on the market that can fulfill my needs as the N900 did and what is even more scary there may never be.

gordonshowers 2011-10-27 13:13

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?

Originally Posted by olympus (Post 1114061)
...and no SD card slot (razr and prime have it, so + for them again)

I don't believe the Prime has an SD card slot.

olympus 2011-10-27 13:56

Re: ICE Cream sandwich Could this kill n9 before it is really out there?

Originally Posted by gordonshowers (Post 1114549)
I don't believe the Prime has an SD card slot.

Just looked it up again and i think you're correct. My mistake:)

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