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jalyst 2011-11-09 11:49

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Epic (2hr) N9 video (french)

That's not a knife, you call that a knife?

WebOS suitors? Intel is one of them apparently…
Man I really hope it wins the bidding....
It'd be a huge boost for MeeGo/Tizen, & by-proxy BTG, & MeR/NEMO.

This story kinda contradicts the previous one…

chenliangchen 2011-11-09 12:24

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
I'm wondering why the top mainstream smartphones doesn't have FM TX this is so useful. Nokia used to have it even in N78 or N85 etc but why dropped it? Also why Nokia dropped duel speaker which was a must have on top Nokia devices? Just because stupid iphone doesn't have this?!

chenliangchen 2011-11-09 12:28

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Can I ask a request here...

Can someone port Wesnoth for Harmattan? There is already a port for meego i386 but I really want a native Harmattan port. I loved this game since I was using N810. And the support of HW keyboard on N950 will be perfect (another reason to have HW keyboard?...) I would donate some cash for doing this...

Oh and also fheroes2.

Maybe shall I start another thread about this in games?

jalyst 2011-11-10 14:15

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Nokia Maps for all WP7x smartphones....
That now makes Maps, Drive, and Music all brought to every WP.
There's now almost zero reason to pick the 800 over some of the better WP's out there.

The final version of the Flash Player plugin for mobile devices will be 11.1, which will come to Android and the BlackBerry PlayBook soon
Following its release, updates will fix bugs and security problems rather than add new features.
So 11x may still be coming to the N9, there just won't be any major updates beyond 11x.

marxian 2011-11-10 15:14

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1119752)

Will get improved more than the N8's camera software will.
It's clear the motion compensation algorithm used has issues, among other things.
Hopefully it'll get better with PR1.1/1.2...
In-the-end there's only so much you can do with sw to compensate for underlying hw.
But I reckon it'll get closer to the N8's, as time goes on.

N8's hw is slightly better, but actual support isn't better OOTB IIRC?
And it's hw is unlikely to ever be fully exploited...
Whereas squeezing every drop outta the N9's anaemic hw will happen.
OC'ing DSP/CPU to attain H.264 base & main profile as one e.g.

This is coming...
joergw finally received his N9 a few days ago.
About freaking time that they got it to him! :eek:
Well at least they got it to him, so I guess I shouldn't be whining.

802.11an + DLNA server (Rygel/Twonky etc) + 802.11an/DLNA client = wireless 1080p vid-out win!

That's nothing more than a bunch of 'ifs'. If pigs could fly, they'd be taller than cows. :) Besides, I thought the latest fashion was to tell people that they should buy the N9 based on what it can do now.

erendorn 2011-11-10 15:15

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1121252)
So 11x may still be coming to the N9, there just won't be any major updates beyond 11x.

I doubt the N9 would have had flash 12 anyway ;)

marxian 2011-11-10 15:33

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Note to any developers: If you're wondering why the application icon looks crap in the package manager, it's because you're using the 80x80 icon. You should use a 64x64 icon for the package manager. I just tried this, and it looks much smoother. :)

jalyst 2011-11-10 16:32

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1121279)
That's nothing more than a bunch of 'ifs'. If pigs could fly, they'd be taller than cows. :)
Besides, I thought the latest fashion was to tell people that they should buy the N9 based on what it can do now.

Some of it is "if's", not all of it...
Why, if it's a possibility or probability there's no harm in mentioning it.
People can make up their own minds after that.

jalyst 2011-11-10 16:34

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1121280)
I doubt the N9 would have had flash 12 anyway ;)

Oh yeah I realize that... :)
Shame, I would've liked an epic Flash 12x thread, NOT.

slai 2011-11-10 23:32

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
So, in the name of chitchat, this happened:

Looks like my pictures and appgrid bleed together. This is the lockscreen by the way, I swiped it away after taking this picture, it got darker when untouched for a while, and lit up with doubletap and lockkeypress.


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