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law138 2012-01-09 20:39

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1143574)
The new version with the beauty landscape mode and megadrive/megacd emulation has been sent to QA process at the Nokia Store.
Mega emulation is based on PicoDrive, but many parts have been rewritten. MegaCD emulation uses built-in mp3 decoders.
The bilinear filtering is now supported - added as an option, default off. It has no visible impact on performance (1fps drop at most), so feel free to enable it globally if you want.
I fixed problems with the keyboard (HtheB had right saying there is a bug - thank you, but it had impact on all emulated systems, not only psx).

Full changelog:
* genesis/megadrive/megacd support
* landscape support
* bilinear filtering
* better search
* restart confirmation dialog to prevent accidental pushing on restart button
* keyboard configured as pad-a by default
* do not clear screen if fullscreen is forced
* [bug] fullscreen option didn't work as expected - fixed
* [bug] keyboard conf - l1/r1 has been reversed with start/select
* [bug] l2/r2 has same values as l1/r1 - fixed
* [bug] if games have different extensions they are incorrectly sorted in disk gallery - fixed
* [bug] mulitplayer don't work in psx - fixed
* [bug] strange sixaxis animation when identifying - fixed

More which I don't remember.

Now I will freeze the set of emulated systems for some time (unless someone pay a huge donation for what he want). I will make the current emulated system as good as possible. There are plenty of bugs waiting for a fix and some new features.
Motivate me with a donation.

How much of a donation would I need to summit to for mame and n64 to be added love your work also. 2012-01-10 01:10

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1
hi I just rebuilt aranym (AtariST) at the usual place
it could be integrated too ...


justadude 2012-01-12 07:31

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1147817)
You can donate through PayPal, you can find a link to it in the EmuMaster about page or at my blog:

The amount of donation depends on you. But if you want to beat the others, I can tell you that one guy donated me with 100$.

Update about the new version: It is still in QA, it has failed to pass because some guy apparently did "dpkg -x" on FAT partition where creation of symlinks fails with "Operation not permitted". I explained them the situation and they test the package one more time right now. I am really annoyed with the time needed for a package to pass QA at Nokia Store.

Just sent you a donation that should make you smile a bit. I have suggestions I would like to give to you. How would I go about doing so?

cddiede 2012-01-12 14:38

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1147817)
I explained them the situation and they test the package one more time right now. I am really annoyed with the time needed for a package to pass QA at Nokia Store.

Have you thought about posting it to appsformeego?

Many developers from these forums are starting to stage software here to bypass the long QA waits from Nokia. It's even got it's own N9 app for package installation:

I just used this last night to update gPodder on the N9, while the version in the Nokia store is still several versions out of date.

elemental 2012-01-12 14:53

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 1149504)
Have you thought about posting it to appsformeego?

Many developers from these forums are starting to stage software here to bypass the long QA waits from Nokia. It's even got it's own N9 app for package installation:

I just used this last night to update gPodder on the N9, while the version in the Nokia store is still several versions out of date.

I have mentioned it before - counting of downloads at the Nokia Store is important to me right now. I plan to send the packages to appsformeego in the future, but right now I don't want to do that.

Kozzi 2012-01-12 19:20

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1
Anyone managed to get Super Mario Bros Advance 4 to work ? Everytime I run I get "Your Saved Data Is corrupted".

cddiede 2012-01-12 20:18

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1149621)
Anyone managed to get Super Mario Bros Advance 4 to work ? Everytime I run I get "Your Saved Data Is corrupted".

Either you are trying to restore state on a ROM where the state was auto saved under an older version of Emumaster, you you're save state is honest to god corrupted.

Either way, you should be able to bypass (and subsequently overwrite) the bad save state by clicking on the option to disable the auto state run.

I can't remember what the option is called and my N9 is not on me right now, but I remember the option was showed (I think) when long pressing on the game image before launching...

Kozzi 2012-01-13 03:16

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 1149651)
Either way, you should be able to bypass (and subsequently overwrite) the bad save state by clicking on the option to disable the auto state run.

I got this error when I load the game for the first time, this seems to be a common problem for this exact game and a fix is available for vbag. I also tried what you said and it is still same, the problem could in the rom though, I have tried two versions already.

elemental 2012-01-13 22:42

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by justadude (Post 1149313)
Just sent you a donation that should make you smile a bit. I have suggestions I would like to give to you. How would I go about doing so?

I have sent you an email, but get no info from you, so I post it here too. You can send me your suggestions by email or by PM, you can also add them to bugtracker or (last option) post them here.

elemental 2012-01-13 22:44

Re: EmuMaster 0.1.1

Originally Posted by (Post 1148133)
hi I just rebuilt aranym (AtariST) at the usual place
it could be integrated too ...

Please, could you give me a link because I cannot find it. I will take a look at it.

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