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itsnotabigtruck 2012-03-06 18:30

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9

Originally Posted by YavkatA (Post 1175320)
Inception + Opensh causes a reboot loop. Finnish 64 GB, #059j187
I can still boot the phone with

sudo flasher --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset --enable-rd-mode
. Will try and investigate further.

EDIT: Removing inception and opensh did not solve the problem. The phone shows the waves on the Nokia logo, and reboots much further in the boot porcess. Any ideas how I can fix this without a reflash? I can still boot in R&D.

I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with INCEPTION itself and everything to do with the Avahi packages you mentioned in the other thread. As far as I know, those packages are untested and not Harmattanized, and generally shouldn't be used. (Someone else here made more Harmatan-friendly builds, IIRC)

Remember that uninstalling INCEPTION doesn't revert changes you made yourself - it only undoes the adjustment to Aegis.

coderus 2012-03-06 18:46

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9
qole, of course, just need to reconfigure NOLO. i know one man who can do that.

AlphaX2 2012-03-06 19:24

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9
You can't belive how much I have to thank you. At the moment I got some trouble with aegis and thanks to your tool, I know now, that it was NOT a bug in my code nor aegis. ;)

Just in the right moment. Thank you very very much! :)

Creamy Goodness 2012-03-06 19:34

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9
Nobody explained how it works yet?
I don't really get it but it seems all the interesting stuff is in the .sh files.
It looks like it uses chroot and remounts the filesystems to temporarily gain access to some protected files used by dpkg/aegis when installing. It then patches in a dummy entry at the end of the file that can be used when installing later. Now, someone explain how wrong I am :)

wolke 2012-03-06 19:41

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 1175424)
Nobody explained how it works yet?
I don't really get it but it seems all the interesting stuff is in the .sh files.
It looks like it uses chroot and remounts the filesystems to temporarily gain access to some protected files used by dpkg/aegis when installing. It then patches in a dummy entry at the end of the file that can be used when installing later. Now, someone explain how wrong I am :)

yea, it's a security hole exploit. this is as much a demonstration of how aegis is ineffective in its fake-goal {keeping the user safe from external attack} as it is a practical tool for getting around aegis' real-goal {preventing full user control of the device to give nokia&partners the ability to do things not in the user's best interests}.

coopere 2012-03-06 20:10

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9
So, it's like rooting an Android device. Nice. But think I'll wait til I see some good apps that absolutely need this access level

ja-pc 2012-03-06 20:35

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9
this thing is great!

but as I mentioned in the Nokia & AEGIS open-mode topic, is something like this possible without Aegis?

YavkatA 2012-03-06 23:07

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9

Originally Posted by itsnotabigtruck (Post 1175378)
I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with INCEPTION itself and everything to do with the Avahi packages you mentioned in the other thread. As far as I know, those packages are untested and not Harmattanized, and generally shouldn't be used. (Someone else here made more Harmatan-friendly builds, IIRC)

Remember that uninstalling INCEPTION doesn't revert changes you made yourself - it only undoes the adjustment to Aegis.

It's not realated to these packages - the same thing happened after I reflahsed.

EDIT: I will try to incept again with only filebox and meescan installed.

EDIT2: Incept was successful, no reboot loop. Will try to incept opensh now..

EDIT3: Opensh didn't cause a reboot loop either. Is it possible that using a reboot app is what caused the reboot loop?

itsnotabigtruck 2012-03-06 23:49

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9

Originally Posted by ja-pc (Post 1175455)
this thing is great!

but as I mentioned in the Nokia & AEGIS open-mode topic, is something like this possible without Aegis?

Well, the Aegis manifest (what my post talked about) is a major reason why Aegis can't simply be ripped out completely - anything that relies on gaining capabilities or switching users/groups through Aegis would break. Also, without Aegis it would be difficult to tell what sort of functionality a given program uses.

rcolistete 2012-03-07 01:13

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9
Does Inception allows to use chroot ? For example, to run Qole Easy Debian without Harmattan open mode ?

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