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eiffel 2012-05-13 15:19

Re: n900 still a good choice

Originally Posted by Charly (Post 1205527)
Is the hardware still powerful enough? To be honest, I've neither had a 1.5GHz quadcore nor a low-end 600MHz device in my hands. Reading online tells me, that as soon as quad cores are availible, everything below is "too slow".

I doubt you'll find performance to be a problem. The dual-core and quad-core phones are generally pushing screens that contain more pixels than the N900, and much of their extra power gets used up corraling those extra pixels.

jackburton 2012-05-13 17:41

Re: n900 still a good choice
I love my N900 as my primary device. It's great for full web browsing and the IM/Text features can't be beat. Cisco VPN or OpenVPN is nice in a crunch when I need to admin my servers whilst out and about.

I have unlimited data with T-mobile from an old plan and I can get 5mbps on average here in the DC area. I use qtMobileHotspot to share with other devices. I actually carry an iPhone with no SIM for Apps and tether to N900. I find the combination of iOS device and my N900 to be the best of both worlds.

N900 is my utlra-mobile computer and the iPhone is for Apps when I need them. Works well for me.

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