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qgil 2012-05-31 04:42

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1215263)
AFAIK I can use it in a non-commercial application
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I thought you would have checked: - see Logo Pack


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qgil 2012-05-31 04:43

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by arcean (Post 1215249)
Hmm, where can I apply with Camdrive?

Mmm see first post in this thread? :)

qgil 2012-05-31 04:54

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1215283)
I'd like to have qgil opinion about applying to this "2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store"

20 MB to static link Python libraries and more for a very specialized application... If you are rewriting to base the UI on QML and the dependency in PySide then it looks you would have merits to be in this activity and also in the Code Competition.

Hum. You could apply here and have a chance to be accepted (but I want to see what other apps are being submitted) and you could have a chance in the code competition, if you fill the criteria there.

rainisto 2012-05-31 08:23

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215033)
ACCEPTED. Let us know when it's published.

23 to go. :)

By the way, leave your preference for N9 / N950 in your entry at the wiki page.

Updated the wiki. And I submitted deb to ovi store, lets see how the 1st round of QA goes (if they manage to setup vnc server by themselves, or if I need to provide them a test server which they can use)... :) I'll keep this thread updated on the progress...

rcolistete 2012-05-31 12:30

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215318)
20 MB to static link Python libraries and more for a very specialized application... If you are rewriting to base the UI on QML and the dependency in PySide then it looks you would have merits to be in this activity and also in the Code Competition.

Hum. You could apply here and have a chance to be accepted (but I want to see what other apps are being submitted) and you could have a chance in the code competition, if you fill the criteria there.

Ok, I will apply both "SymPy Interactive Shell" (later today) and "Calculus" (next week) here. And "Calculus" also in Maemo 2012 Code Competition.

About the "very specialized application" : Maemo/MeeGo users are different than Android/iOS/Symbian users ! "SymPy Interactive Shell", "Integral", etc have more downloads than the majority of mathematical softwares for Android/iOS/Symbian. We are special users :cool:

damagedspline 2012-05-31 13:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
@qgil Just to get that right, does that mean that someone can theoratically submit a new app to the Nokia Store (which is being "tested" in, nominate here, and additionally nominate themselves for the Community Award to increase their chances to win an award?

Although, I feel obliged to add, that getting N950 in Nokia Store
category, doesn't make Your submission for N9 via CA invalid (and vice

qgil 2012-05-31 16:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
In terms of timing, developers can get accepted before in this activity. So why not: try here first.

Indirectly this will help non-developers having more chances for the Community Awards.

damagedspline 2012-05-31 18:39

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1215564)
In terms of timing, developers can get accepted before in this activity. So why not: try here first.

Indirectly this will help non-developers having more chances for the Community Awards.

10x, added my submission entry for the Waze Qt port. (Applying for an N9)

Edit: Uploading to Nokia Store...
Edit 2: Submitted to QA as ''waze-qt"

arcean 2012-05-31 22:19

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Camdrive has been submitted to Nokia Store for the first round of QA :).

rainisto 2012-06-01 04:49

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
@damagedspline && @arcean you are aware that you 1st need to get your submission accepted by qgil before pushing to store? Well of course nobody is stopping you to push, but you might end up empty handed with only a good feeling of getting your app into the store ;-)

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