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qgil 2012-06-18 15:19

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
It was a conscious decision to have Extras or equivalent out of the pre-installed image in Harmattan. Reverting that decision in normal circumstances would have been extremely difficult but in the current situation I personally see it as basically impossible.

The main reason to keep the community repositories out of the pre-installed / offical image was to have a clear separation with any software coming from those sources in case any legal problem would arise. You have seen the escalation in legal battel in the mobile context. From the many risks around, this one was a risk Nokia didn't want to take.

ZogG 2012-06-18 18:06

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1223730)
It was a conscious decision to have Extras or equivalent out of the pre-installed image in Harmattan. Reverting that decision in normal circumstances would have been extremely difficult but in the current situation I personally see it as basically impossible.

The main reason to keep the community repositories out of the pre-installed / offical image was to have a clear separation with any software coming from those sources in case any legal problem would arise. You have seen the escalation in legal battel in the mobile context. From the many risks around, this one was a risk Nokia didn't want to take.

Once again because of crazy world and all those patents (i heard story about youtube complained on some video because sound of air is patented — ) the end user suffers the most =)

And what about adding one more repo for apps4meego for libraries and deps? AFAIK now it's made only for apps, and you need to include deps inside package

s4br0s0 2012-06-27 18:11

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
The problem with the repositories affects the vote of the "testers"?

Or just people don't vote anymore for apps in testing?

A few like ivgalvez (at least is one of the most constant, no offense other who test and votes too) for name someone, always test and vote.


ivgalvez 2012-06-27 21:43

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 1228294)
The problem with the repositories affects the vote of the "testers"?

Or just people don't vote anymore for apps in testing?

A few like ivgalvez (at least is one of the most constant, no offense other who test and votes too) for name someone, always test and vote.


What problem are you referring to? These days I'm on vacation and I don't have too much time to check the nearly 40 Maemo related emails per day and all the TMO stuff so probably I'm missing something.

I'm actually running a process to contact developers that have apps ready for promotion to do that final step, but it's going slow, specially due to the Comminity Awards (it took several hours of work for processing submissions, prepare the Wiki an notify winners). At the end, I'm afraid, we will need to promote manually a big number of applications (without an active maintainer).

s4br0s0 2012-06-27 21:50

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
i mean the problem that new developers can't put new programs on devel (Saera case for example) , if that affects in any way the vote or is just that people don't test and vote anymore?


woody14619 2012-06-27 21:57

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 1228362)
i mean the problem that new developers can't put new programs on devel (Saera case for example) , if that affects in any way the vote or is just that people don't test and vote anymore?


There was a separate queue that was not automated and not on someones to-check list after the Nokia cuts. That issue should be resolved now.

s4br0s0 2012-06-27 22:04

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1228364)
There was a separate queue that was not automated and not on someones to-check list after the Nokia cuts. That issue should be resolved now.

So is problem of people don't test and vote anymore.

Is there any way the council encourage devs and "testers"?

The council can promote just from testing? Not from devel to testing?


misiak 2012-06-28 06:29

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 1228354)
At the end, I'm afraid, we will need to promote manually a big number of applications (without an active maintainer).

Is anyone already trying to make a list of such "orphaned" packages? (maybe you, if you're trying to contact devs, you should be the first person to be asked whether package has active maintainer or not) If we had a list, maybe it would be easier for some developers willing to participate in our community to "adopt" them and maintain them further at at least basic level? This way we would lighten Council's load a bit.

woody14619 2012-06-28 17:34

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1228481)
Is anyone already trying to make a list of such "orphaned" packages?

Ivgalvez already has a rather extensive list, though I'm sure if you have one he would be happy to have it to verify if there are any missing. This has been an on-going project for him since before Council elections as he's also head of the super-testing squad.

And yes, anyone willing to take-on maintainership of an abandoned project is more than welcome to make such offers. I believe the consensus is that we'd rather have a maintainer to push the packages vs doing so without one.

(I'm only answering because he's on vacation and may not get back to your post quickly. ;) )

ivgalvez 2012-06-29 18:39

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Yes I have limited connection this week, thanks for picking it up Woody.

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