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ladoga 2012-06-25 08:54

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1226641)
It's a big blow for him that Lumia didn't sell more than they did. You may call that stupid, but it was a calculated risk.

Calculated risk? In the best case it reduces Nokia to simple HW manufacturer, when all the value (and thus profits) lays in software. No matter how well the WP sells it can be only race to bottom for Nokia due to those very thin profit marigins.


From an objective point of view, what has happened with Nokia can easily be explained by the simple fact that it was a company in free fall with no believe that their products could survive the competition. The fact that 75% of the company consisted of blubber didn't exactly help.
That myth won't become true no matter how much it's repeated. Facts show that Nokia was the world's largest cell phone manufacturer when Elop came into office. Today Nokia is in free fall and it doesn't take conspiracy theories to show that this fall is due to all out Windows strategy.

F2thaK 2012-06-25 09:34

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Well said. 100% Accurate and True.

quingu 2012-06-25 10:07

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
I don't see any mystery here. We know Microsoft wants to buy Nokia. We know Microsoft controls Nokia via the Elop proxy.

Now what would you do with the company you want to buy? Nourish it and increase its value, so you have to pay more when you finally put the money down?

Elop has only one goal: Drive Nokia's market value to the ground, so Microsoft can easily pick up what's left of them.

gerbick 2012-06-25 10:52

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop

Originally Posted by quingu (Post 1227073)
I don't see any mystery here. We know Microsoft wants to buy Nokia. We know Microsoft controls Nokia via the Elop proxy.

I truly do not believe that Microsoft needs to buy Nokia.


Now what would you do with the company you want to buy? Nourish it and increase its value, so you have to pay more when you finally put the money down?
This is Microsoft we're talking about here. Back in the Bill Gates days, he would have done that so the FTC would not come knocking on their door. A much smarter move than the "crush their balls" technique of Ballmer. I'm quite sure there will be an investigation and/or blockage of a Microsoft/Nokia buyout.


Elop has only one goal: Drive Nokia's market value to the ground, so Microsoft can easily pick up what's left of them.
I disagree. He might just be in place to get rid of Nokia and even the playing field by taking the 15+ year champ off the map completely.

All are theories; in due time we'll find out who's right, who's wrong.

Sandeep 2012-06-25 10:58

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
We should flood his inbox with more Maemo/Meego requests. And wait n' see whether he is as hard as a rock !!

herpderp 2012-06-25 11:25

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop

Originally Posted by Sandeep (Post 1227098)
We should flood his inbox with more Maemo/Meego requests. And wait n' see whether he is as hard as a rock !!

He will surely change his mind after that! And by mind I mean e-mail address.

lifeintheblitz 2012-06-25 12:49

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Your plans about flooding his inbox is almost fool proof, except for that feature called "Block by subject" thing that has been around for a long time. :P

lifeintheblitz 2012-06-25 13:07

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1226732)
Yes, you are right. Didn't think about it, but at the lower end, that's where all the limitations of WP7 really kicks in.

Nokia is toast. WP7 goes down in history as the biggest **** up of all times regarding mobile OS. The Lumia series goes down in history as the least successful smartphone series of all time.

While I do agree with you that WP7 has the price point limitation, I don't think it's fair to say that WP7 will go down history as a f**k up. You seem to forget that this Microsoft we are talking about, not just Nokia. There are some notable products from Microsoft that wasn't exactly well received at first, but you never saw them give up. For example, when the XBOX came out, it sucked. Games were mostly PC ports, and Sony and Nintendo's market share were vastly larger than Microsoft's. But when they came out with the XBOX 360, it slowly began to eat market share, and now it's the world's most popular gaming console. Again, THIS IS MICROSOFT we are talking about. A company that has incredibly deep pockets.

I guess so much of this hate for a closed-source mobile OS is due to the fact that this is an online community of hardcore, open-source geeks, which is a good thing of course! But for what it's worth, I really love Windows Phone 7's features, UI, and speed. And its app library will only get bigger once WP8 comes out, along with Windows 8.

Oh and for the record, this is coming from an N9 user (I love it to death).

Do I wish they would have given MeeGo a chance? Of course, Hell yes. Am I said they didn't? I weep everyday. Am I excited with the new breed of Nokia phones with WP8? Absolutely. I am not a fanboi. No allegiance. No commitments. Just go where the cutting edge is.

I'm no expert, but the way I see it, Microsoft is going to buy Nokia eventually. I mean, they intend sell their own tablets that use their own software, so it's almost logical to sell their own phones that use their own software. That's just my 2 cents though.

Kangal 2012-06-25 13:09

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Maybe Steve (Job) Elops should see this (MeeGo) commercial:

Lumiaman 2012-06-25 16:22

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Its all Symbian stuff. No go

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