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mauron85 2012-09-24 16:06

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Hey guys, I've just compiled Helium Reborn for N900.


Now it's in extras-devel as version 2.0.

Currently there is no full screen mode, and toolbar is little cropped.

freemangordon 2012-09-24 16:58

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
hmm, seems there is some activity going on, lets see how it will develop.


I wonder how did you compile that. As maemo5 support is dropped.

src/Settings.cpp:13:46: fatal error: maemo5/Maemo5ProxySettingsReader.h: No such file or directory

mauron85 2012-09-24 17:26

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I took it from previous Helium Mobile. ;-)

D@vIcHoJD 2012-09-24 23:21

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Excuse Me, mauron85 ocurrer an error in the repositories, Please can you reupload the package again.


Edit: The packages was reupload, thanks mauron85.:D

mauron85 2012-09-24 23:26

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
please try update your repositories. should work.

bennypr0fane 2012-09-24 23:37

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900

Originally Posted by mauron85 (Post 1271603)
I took it from previous Helium Mobile. ;-)

Took what from Helium Mobile?

Anyway, big thank you for doing this!

bennypr0fane 2012-09-24 23:52

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900

Originally Posted by mauron85 (Post 1271541)
Hey guys, I've just compiled Helium Reborn for N900.


Now it's in extras-devel as version 2.0.

so is it "Helium Reborn" or "Helium Mobile" now?

D@vIcHoJD 2012-09-24 23:55

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Excelent, working very good, thanks for compiling this application. waiting for new updates and improves.


STVN 2012-09-25 00:47

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I installed Helium browser 2.0. When I lunch this just can see a black screen. What could be that?

mauron85 2012-09-25 08:29

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900

Originally Posted by bennypr0fane (Post 1271767)
so is it "Helium Reborn" or "Helium Mobile" now?

codebase is from Helium Reborn, but I didn't change the name of app.

Only som headers are taken from previous version, as Helium Reborn drop support from Maemo5.

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