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projekt 2012-07-24 19:55

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
While charging, I wanted to turn on the screen but it doesn't work.
But I can still access the Jdownloader Webinterface on my pc :confused:
:mad: Now the webinterface is gone too.

StefanL 2012-07-24 22:15

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
@pali, thanks for your work, great stuff. Quick question, is it possible to strip the .ko files or will they not work anymore? Stripping results in 25% space saving for the cfg80211.ko file, which seems a worth while excercise.

reinob 2012-07-25 07:46

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by projekt (Post 1242318)
If I get this right, you have to plug it in and enter ''stop bme'' in root-shell

I think the Wiki needs to be updated. What is described there relates to kernels where the new 2415x_charger module was not included.

With KP51 (I still have the pre-release, I assume KP51R1 will work the same), you just stop bme [NOTE 1] and then just plug the cable. You will see that the LED turns solid yellow.

When you're done, unplug the cable, [NOTE 2] and (if you wish) start bme again.

NOTE 1: modprobe bq2415x_charger, obviously
NOTE 2: rmmod bq2415x_charger, obviously

projekt 2012-07-25 09:28

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
This time I left the screen on while charging. Next morning it was off. At least I didnt have to remove the battery to turn on the phone and there was no unexpected reboot message.

lordcris 2012-07-25 09:53

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
It says that conflicts with "linux-backports-modules-power".
What should I do about that?

misiak 2012-07-25 11:42

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
I lost some time on checking why I can't load this kernel... it turned out I have 2012.04-1 u-boot, while only 2012.04-2 u-boot is supported (otherwise, one must edit /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power- and change ITEM_OMAPATAG=1 to ITEM_REUSEATAGS=1) - maybe this information will save someone else's time in the future, as first thing I did was reading this thread and checking if someone else had similar problem and found a solution ;)

Nobless 2012-07-25 12:04

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Why u don't use the newest u-boot version ?

misiak 2012-07-25 13:45

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by Nobless (Post 1242707)
Why u don't use the newest u-boot version ?

I didn't need to update, old version works for me and if something works and is stable, why update? ;) I guess you are asking because 2012.04-2 does not work for you, but it's not my case - I just upgraded to check if I have same problem as you, but I don't - it works flawlessly. But it's better to discuss this in u-boot thread instead of here :)

seanmcken 2012-07-25 14:22

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
well thank you for new version and im very happy with it

alexgiancarlo 2012-07-25 14:25

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by lordcris (Post 1242629)
It says that conflicts with "linux-backports-modules-power".
What should I do about that?

I also I have the same problem, do you have installed the Cleven?

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