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don.edri 2012-08-24 10:53

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Well, yes, you caught me :P I've read your blog post now, and yes, you mention there about the slowness. I would still ask the question though, because this does not explain why it runs so good in the "preview" mode - is there a difference between the "preview" and "normal operation mode" in how the application is handled by the system?

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-24 10:57

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by don.edri (Post 1255240)
Well, yes, you caught me :P I've read your blog post now, and yes, you mention there about the slowness. I would still ask the question though, because this does not explain why it runs so good in the "preview" mode - is there a difference between the "preview" and "normal operation mode" in how the application is handled by the system?

The preview is a QML app, that is nicely accelerated. The lockscreen is done with MeegoTouch framework, and I stacked a QML over it.

MeegoTouch should be OK performance wise, but actually, it is not, with QML, or with pure MeegoTouch, at least in lock screen.

et3rnal 2012-08-25 08:43

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
this is awesome! just tryed it sooo nice

yes it has some bugs as beta!, no lick screen! desnt go black/LPS

hope to see more widget, customizable features "like number of screens?"

and ill make u an icon :D "if u still want1?"

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 09:04

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by et3rnal (Post 1255501)
this is awesome! just tryed it sooo nice

yes it has some bugs as beta!, no lick screen! desnt go black/LPS

hope to see more widget, customizable features "like number of screens?"

and ill make u an icon :D "if u still want1?"

Yes, I'm interested by having a nice icon.

But, please be more precise about your bugs please. What is "doesn't go black and no lock screen (or no lick screen ...)"

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 10:28

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Hello everybody,

For bug reports, I have setup a bug tracker on sourceforge, where everybody can post (even anonymous users), but please, for organisation reason, please login when possible.

All bugs that are tiraged will go to the ticket board, and will hopefully be solved. Please check the ticket board first to see if the bugs are already reported.

Thanks in advance :)

HtheB 2012-08-25 12:27

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Why don't you remove the icon?
You can add Widgets within the Device settings, or within the Application settings, like 'Home screen settings' and 'Theme changer' does. Would be nice to have it integrated in the system like that :)

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 13:06

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1255574)
Why don't you remove the icon?
You can add Widgets within the Device settings, or within the Application settings, like 'Home screen settings' and 'Theme changer' does. Would be nice to have it integrated in the system like that :)

Why not ... To be considered.
But I like icons ...

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 15:32

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Beta 2 is released (see 1st post)

HtheB 2012-08-25 16:08

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255584)
Why not ... To be considered.
But I like icons ...

Well, you still need the icon for when Installing the app or when removing, or if it ever come to the Store.
Otherwise, adding it to the settings would more suitable for Widgets :)

maxdroid 2012-08-25 18:02

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
I really miss this on my nokia n9. Will this work for me then with pr 1.3?

I would love animated background in the lockscreen and weather widget and some other program links, would be perfect.

Right now I've setteled for placing most apps in folders in app section and using 'home screen settings' waves to make background more pleasant behind the programs, moving.

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