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48GX 2012-08-29 20:16

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Grącies per la teva dedicació!

Thank you for all your dedication!


Jordi 2012-08-29 20:31

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Que vagi bé tot!

misterc 2012-08-29 20:34

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

thank you for making this site and the whole Maemo world happen!
tomorrow is a mystery, but i guess the moment came where "all mystery was gone" :eek:

good luck with your new job!

qgil 2012-09-18 18:13

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
fyi I'm not a Nokia employee anymore and my former email address has been deleted.

I was thinking of writing a blog post about the whole thing before joining the Wikimedia Foundation but the incredible weather is not really helping... ;)

I also wonder what people is interested in reading at this point. Anyway, hopefully I'll post something before the end of the month.

Dave999 2012-09-18 20:33

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Hi, welcome back as a true member! I'm intressting reading everything related to mobiles, data or information. Also a still want some real or made secrets from you time at Nokia.

You could also write something nice about jolla. They need all the words they can get. I'm sure you have some great content to share!

leon.anavi 2012-09-18 21:32

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1268635)
I was thinking of writing a blog post about the whole thing

Hey, Quim, write it! Sharing your experience will be interesting not only to our community but to the whole mobile industry.

qgil 2012-09-19 06:24

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
A line or two for Jolla and Firefox OS, indeed.

I wish I could write a post interesting for the whole mobile industry. There is an excess of posts already. I don't envy those having to write something like a weekly column.

Secrets are secrets.

BJoe 2012-09-21 17:45

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Why didn't you join Jolla by the way?

qgil 2012-09-22 04:15

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
I was looking for options allowing me to stay in San Francisco Bay Area.

Texrat 2012-09-23 04:34

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Quim, you should run for a Hildon Foundation board seat. ;)

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