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thedead1440 2012-10-26 19:19

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1286004)
Where was he saying that the N9's overall SoC is much better, he was correcting a claim that the CPU's much stronger.
It's far weaker... Whereas it's GPU/DSP(s) are (of course) far stronger....

Exactly! Thanks for pointing it out to some people who don't read what is quoted or just above...

I clearly mentioned about CPU to the poster who was saying:


n9 have 808's camera,cpu,gpu,fm tx antenna, cellular antenna,wifi antenna and fp2's vkb atrow
So i didn't disagree on GPU but on CPU...

enerqy 2012-10-27 06:12

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread
Been caught up with finishing my dissertation...I didn't expect so many replies.

So I'm leaning towards the 808, as one poster suggested it's kind of like a swiss army knife. The e-mail not being sorted kinda sucks, but I sparingly e-mail people anyways.

jalyst 2012-10-27 08:36

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread
It is good, the main thing I miss with it is the same kind of community that exists here, there's custom ROMS etc but it's just not as dynamic.
Theming is quite healthy, but amongst all the mods/twks/hacks one can do, that's an area that interests me least of all.

GrimyHR 2012-10-28 12:50

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1286004)
Where was he saying that the N9's overall SoC is much better, he was correcting a claim that the CPU's much stronger.
It's far weaker... Whereas it's GPU/DSP(s) are (of course) far stronger....

not really, since most of the arm compiled stuff isnt all that heavily optimised you might get maybe 10-20% better performance per MHz, maybe not even that, so not worth even mentioning when we look at how much broadcomm's dsp outperforms over TI one in n9

thedead1440 2012-10-28 12:55

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by GrimyHR (Post 1286669)
not really, since most of the arm compiled stuff isnt all that heavily optimised you might get maybe 10-20% better performance per MHz, maybe not even that, so not worth even mentioning when we look at how much broadcomm's dsp outperforms over TI one in n9

So tell me N808's ARM A11 chip or N9's ARM A8 chip to go along with the broadcomm GPU from 808?

A dream list to which I was responding is on picking the better components so I stand by what I said the N9's CPU is better and if you manage to couple it with N808's GPU you'll get a much better combination that the N808's current combo...

Oh and the N9 chip can be over-clocked safely to 1.2Ghz so an A8 clocked at 1.2Ghz vs an A11 clocked at 1.3Ghz; I know which one I would pick...

GrimyHR 2012-10-28 13:06

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1286672)
So tell me N808's ARM A11 chip or N9's ARM A8 chip to go along with the broadcomm GPU from 808?

A dream list to which I was responding is on picking the better components so I stand by what I said the N9's CPU is better and if you manage to couple it with N808's GPU you'll get a much better combination that the N808's current combo...

Oh and the N9 chip can be over-clocked safely to 1.2Ghz so an A8 clocked at 1.2Ghz vs an A11 clocked at 1.3Ghz; I know which one I would pick...

i would pick the one that doesnt suck even when playing just 720p videos :P

thedead1440 2012-10-28 13:07

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by GrimyHR (Post 1286680)
i would pick the one that doesnt suck even when playing just 720p videos :P


Although I love the n9, that is one flaw I agree with you :D

jalyst 2012-10-28 17:51

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by GrimyHR (Post 1286669)
not really, since most of the arm compiled stuff isnt all that heavily optimised you might get maybe 10-20% better performance per MHz, maybe not even that

Please elaborate on how you get that %, ATM it's just plucked out of the air.
And please elaborate on your assertion: "since most of the arm compiled stuff isnt all that heavily optimised"


Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1286788)
already at 1 GHz / default frequency the N9 is getting tremendously hot even under light charge (couple browser windows open, one terminal, clipcache, netmon...)
i'm not sure it would still be comfortable holding it @ 1.2 GHz :eek:
either way, doubt the CPU would sustain that very long :confused::rolleyes:

That's not everyone's experience, far from it....
Sounds like you've got a poor SoC/CPU OR one (or more) of the rogue processes that are triggered in certain circumstances (& mitigated or avoided entirely if you do some research).

misterc 2012-10-28 18:35

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1286672)

Oh and the N9 chip can be over-clocked safely to 1.2Ghz so an A8 clocked at 1.2Ghz vs an A11 clocked at 1.3Ghz; I know which one I would pick...

already at 1 GHz / default frequency the N9 is getting tremendously hot even under light charge (couple browser windows open, one terminal, clipcache, netmon...)
i'm not sure it would still be comfortable holding it @ 1.2 GHz :eek:
either way, doubt the CPU would sustain that very long :confused::rolleyes:

enerqy 2012-11-07 18:37

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread
My friend travelled overseas today, and I gave him cash to buy the 808! However, he doesn't find it...the N9/ Thanks for all the input guys!

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