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nokiabot 2013-05-11 09:39

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha
Hey hurrian you sure its cherry mobile???
I want the head of ceo parcelled.
Get that for me for the shake of humainity please:

suyog 2013-05-12 07:02

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1342454)
Why shouldn't we? As in "we" being the maemo community, which was conceived of being an open source community. We should trash this, and other proprietary solutions hard and long. This new Asha is all the way down a closed platform. It only resembles one of the open source influenced phones (N9) by it's UI.

I wouldn't mind owning one of those devices, even using it, if there was not more open alternatives. But it's nothing I'd be excited about.

I understand your point for Free, Open platform but that does not make 501 bad for users. "I" feel it is good that N9's , Swipe UI's legacy is remains. Who knows future?
Right now, 501 seems good.
And "We" = maemo community will decide, not me or you.

snowboarder 2013-05-14 12:25

Re: The N9 resurrected from the Asha

Originally Posted by Half-Life_4_Life (Post 1342794)
if nokia would just do the right thing and did something with the Asha range..but they had their chance and they blew it big time..when will they release something besides lumia and asha??

The won't release anything besides their horrid Lumia trash and this dumb downed version of Harmattan.
The sale to Microsoft is getting nearer and nearer. I'm looking forward to it actually...then Eflop can just go away for good. The next time we see him, he and Ballmer will be running around like m0r0ns on stage sweating up a storm and screaming, "developers, developers, developers, developers!!!!!!!!!!" as their smart phone share percentage gets lower and lower...:D


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