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pishta74 2013-09-03 08:27

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
Looking from the marketing perspective, this is very good news for Jolla and the long waited sign for GO!
The patent thing can be harsh for everyone though

Sopwith 2013-09-03 09:01

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1371536)
Cos they only bought the Devices.
NSN is where the money in NOK comes from.

Thanks, I figured that out eventually. A bit slow this morning...

Well, it seems like a decent deal for Nokia then.

Akkumaru 2013-09-03 09:07

I think Jolla has more chance from this for some reason...

longcat 2013-09-03 09:31

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
Remember this?

Elop is the 7th biggest Microsoft shareholder!

I wonder how will this affect his shares ...

Mikkosssss 2013-09-03 09:46

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by longcat (Post 1371566)
Elop is the 7th biggest Microsoft shareholder!

I wonder how will this affect his shares ...

10 characters

Kangal 2013-09-03 09:54

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
Nokia choices:
A) Try something different with lots of potential, do a partnership with said Megacorporation, go all-in
B) Do what everyone's doing. Go with Android (2.1 at the time), end up like HTC
C) Follows through with current plans. Roll-out MeeGo, end up like RIM
...Nokia was doomed from the "start".

Success for hindsight:
A) Nokia licenses WP with the ability to develop with MS. They release a WP7 device with Galaxy S worthy specifications in 2010. MS made to give tens of millions to port over Applications. Nokia allowed to distinguish itself from other WP vendors. Less investment, shared treasures.
B) Nokia decides to differentiate by skinning Android (mixture of MIUI, RIM, iOS). Makes the best hardware and doesn't go for the "cokc measuring contest" with SoC's. Puts full-weight behind developer friendly and marketing. Converts current success to a new medium.
C) Nokia pushes out a Galaxy S worthy specifications with SwipeUI in competition with Samsung and Apple's iPhone 4. Throws its wealth at rapid development and maturation, and tens of millions into getting Applications. Struggles until 2012 but becomes profitable and has a nice proposition of moving its ecosystem into tablets, laptops, TV and home console (and PSP competitor). Nokia transforms with the industry, where it becomes a "self made man" like the industry-leading Apple.

bandora 2013-09-03 10:19

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
Excuse my language but... **** YOU ELOP AND NOKIA BoD!!!

joelsk 2013-09-03 10:30

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by Leinad (Post 1371497)



Artyom 2013-09-03 10:31


Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1371575)
C) Follows through with current plans. Roll-out MeeGo, end up like RIM
...Nokia was doomed from the "start".

Yeah right.

Rauha 2013-09-03 10:33

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
<honestly and without any sarcasm>

I'm in awe of Ballmer and Elop. This was one the most brilliantly executed corporate takeovers in the whole history of capitalism.

This should be taught in business schools around the world for decades to come. Flawless excution.


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