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llelectronics 2016-02-24 18:54

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
There is another thread already discussing a native version.
I am currently not working on a native version and don't have any plans for the future.

caprico 2016-04-05 20:54

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
@llelectronics: Btw, you should upload it to F-Droid if possible. A friend of mine who uses Cyanogenmod without Google Services recently tested your version. It's the only one which works on Google-free Android afaik.
The independant Signal build "LibreSignal" by also needs Google Play Services.

Thank you for your amazing work! :cool:

nthn 2016-04-06 17:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Hey ll, Signal is now complaining it's going to stop working in a week, are you planning to keep updating this or should we switch to eutopia's repository to keep using Signal? (caprico, there are two repositories, one which is bound to Google and another which is using Websockets.)

llelectronics 2016-04-09 12:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: Yeah I had several reports about this banner message (though I never had it myself). As the JavaJens sources did not update I had to switch to LibreSignal as base.
This needed a few adaptions to allow upgrading easily from the existing JollaEdition without reinstalling.

But now its there 3.15.2 is available from here and already uploaded to harbour and in their verification process:


PS: Also I will try convincing the LibreSignal people to integrate this SailfishOS/BlackBerry Patch for the Registration process to their sources.

nthn 2016-04-09 15:30

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Many thanks!

Amboss 2016-05-15 18:06

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
My Signal is now complaining about 8 days left... is there a compatible version upcoming?

EDIT: Signal sais it is 3.12.0 but I'm on newest from harbour which is 1:3.15.2

nthn 2016-05-15 21:46

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I'd suggest ditching the Android application and getting Whisperfish, for now it's available at

Needs a lot of work still, but it's a native application, works for what you need and if Whisper Systems start blocking anything that isn't the identical Signal available on Google Play (which moxie seems intent on doing), both LibreSignal and Whisperfish will suffer the same fate.

gaelic 2016-05-16 08:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1505571)
I'd suggest ditching the Android application and getting Whisperfish, for now it's available at

Needs a lot of work still, but it's a native application, works for what you need and if Whisper Systems start blocking anything that isn't the identical Signal available on Google Play (which moxie seems intent on doing), both LibreSignal and Whisperfish will suffer the same fate.

Looks very promising. Is it running as a daemon? And unfortunately it is not on openrepos (only sailsecure)

llelectronics 2016-05-16 17:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

EDIT: Signal sais it is 3.12.0 but I'm on newest from harbour which is 1:3.15.2
Seems to be a bug in Jolla store as this isn't the newest version. Also maybe you need to restart the Alien Dalvik for the new versions daemon to start.

Amboss 2016-05-17 07:50

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I haven't installed it new recently. Since installation I had rebooted phone several times.

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