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Markkyboy 2015-10-21 11:48

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by bertjefred (Post 1486209)
Installed on tablet and running like a charm on first look.

Thank you bertjefred!, that is much appreciated! :)


billranton 2016-02-15 13:31

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
I'm bored of the whiney thread. Let's get this one going again. #jtabclub

Anyone else find their tablet turns itself off occasionally if it's not connected to the charger for a few hours, especially overnight? I sometimes pick mine up and it's off, but when I boot it there's plenty of charge left. It's also a bit unwilling to come on, and connecting it to a charger seems to help.

juiceme 2016-02-15 13:56

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
What you could do is use a small script to create a log of the power usage; that way you can see how it behaves when not in use.

I run this from cron every 30 minutes in my device:


[nemo@Jolla ~]$
[nemo@Jolla ~]$ cat bin/

battery=$(upower -d | grep percentage | awk '{print $2}')
date=$(TZ='Europe/Helsinki' date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
echo "$date  -->  $battery"
[nemo@Jolla ~]$
[nemo@Jolla ~]$

abranson 2016-02-15 19:00

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Basil's System Monitor app should give a good idea of battery levels. That has a daemon that records a week's worth of levels in a database. I built it for x86 but the battery level wasn't working. Luckily, CODeRUS had given the correct battery device name in an issue, so it works now on my github. I suppose the Cell traffic output should be disabled and hidden on non-GSM devices too.

I've not pushed to openrepos before, but I'll give it a go.

Edit: I've uploaded it, and sent a PR to basil with the changes that should find the correct battery device on each device. If he publishes it himself then I'll remove it.

abranson 2016-02-15 23:45

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Also did a build of warehouse, though the source on Github wasn't the very latest.

billranton 2016-02-23 16:37

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
So my system monitor output shows CPU usage of 78% when idle, which disappears when it resumes so I haven't been able to see which process is doing it. The detail is all in the 'system processes' category.

mscion 2016-03-01 19:15

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Hi. Just reposting from another thread as it was suggested this thread is more appropriate. I agree. Also, hope to get mine this week.

Question for those of you that have gotten a tablet. Are you able to down load apps from Jolla store? Are they the same as phone apps? If so how do they scale on screen. Same question wrt android apps. Thanks!

EDIT: If you see some interesting differences, some screen shots might be good to show.

willi6868 2016-03-01 20:07

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1500300)
Are you able to download apps from Jolla store?

Yes. :)


Originally Posted by mscion
Are they the same as phone apps? If so how do they scale on screen.

Yes and No - The Apps are the same Apps, but they have to be compiled to .noarch/.i486 AFAIK to work and also to be shown in the Jolla Store on the Tablet. Because of that there are many Apps not avialiable for the Jolla Tablet which are avialiable for the Jolla Phone.
Well I am not an app developer but you/an app developer has also to adjust his App-UI so the App will automatically work on (any) bigger screen size.


Originally Posted by mscion
Same question wrt android apps. Thanks!

It seems that all the Android Apps in the Jolla Store on the Phone are also shown in the Jolla Tablet Store. But on a quick look I noticed that e.g. the Android App 'Punainen Risti' is shown in the Phone Store but is not avialiable in the Tablet Store. Maybe some Apps are not shown because they are not compatible with Android 4.4 on which the Alien Dalvik on the Tablet is based on.

zenecho 2016-03-03 16:25

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
blimey its a bit quiet in here

Has any one got USB (OTG) working on their tablet?

I have a sandisk 64GB USB (OTG) pen drive - USB one end and Micro USB OTG on the other. Ive also tried a USB OTG converter to a small USB pendrive and no joy

coderus 2016-03-03 16:43

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
usb otg works just fine. but didnt tried such big usb drives, only small ones. i need to mount it manually.

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