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maluka 2007-12-30 10:46

Re: installation file corrupted
how do i go about fixing my flash since i don't have a backup?

Nokia has really dropped the ball with the resopstory> respository issue! it was discovered a while back and has still not been fixed. astonishing :|

cybertron 2007-12-31 07:38

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 117713)
how do i go about fixing my flash since i don't have a backup?

Nokia has really dropped the ball with the resopstory> respository issue! it was discovered a while back and has still not been fixed. astonishing :|

I backed everything up and reinstalled(reflashed firmware), then I did the fix again and had no problems. I bet if you reinstall microB it will fix itself maybe?

lilavati 2008-01-01 21:13

Re: installation file corrupted
Wow, am I drunk or are the repos working??

xPak, I had a problem with your method, as 2007He wouldn't let me leave the box blank, but I just installed Python, so I guess the repos are up.
Huge thanks anyway.

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