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wicket 2017-05-24 18:53

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by mike727 (Post 1528335)
How many hours does it average per week?

I'd very much like to know this too. If too many hours are required, it may be in the best interest of the council that I withdraw.


Originally Posted by juiceme
4 is the absolute minimum, if there are 4 candidates then election can be held and stub-council of 3 can proceed

I accepted my nomination as I currently have more free time than I did when I was nominated for previous terms, however it's possible that my amount of free time could be reduced in the coming months.

With all of the talk from existing council members about being unable to dedicate enough time, it has caused me some concern that I might end up falling into the same category. I would feel much more comfortable being on a council of 5 than a council of 3 so that council tasks could be better distributed. For the same reasons, I would also prefer to stick with a 6 month term as opposed to an extended period as peterleinchen suggested.

What's the current situation with karma points? Do all candidates qualify?

sicelo 2017-05-24 18:58

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
to be honest I do not have a lot of time on my hands either, and will be moving to a country with very bad Internet connections as soon as next week. However, it seems that in general, not much time is needed, unless something out of the ordinary comes up.

well, the duties are not very heavy.
tha main one is to listen if somebody needs something to be taken care of (which is pretty rare)

Wikiwide 2017-05-25 01:14

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
If I remember correctly, Council meetings happen once a week, and take approximately an hour (or half an hour?). The main thing is to agree on exact time (members are usually in very different timezones).

Chair (one member of Council, selected at first meeting of Council) takes care that all topics are discussed at the meeting (not forgotten), and summarises results of discussion as can be seen here: .

Example of a first meeting of just-elected Council:

I am quite surprised that I cannot find any posts by CommunityCouncil on TMO in 2017. Have people forgotten how to do it?.. I can send an HTML template from back when I was a Council chairman, long ago.

I do not visit TMO much (like, once a month or so), but I will try to visit #maemo-meeting more.

Best wishes. Thank you.
Per aspera ad astra...

juiceme 2017-05-25 10:05

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1528347)
What's the current situation with karma points? Do all candidates qualify?

We have now 4 accepted candidates, all with enough Karma points;

Mosen (524)
Sicelo (240)
Wicket (406)
Juiceme (1018)

Thanks for all Candidates!

This is enough, and we can proceed with the election of 3 Councillors for the next term.

juiceme 2017-05-25 10:08

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1528351)
I am quite surprised that I cannot find any posts by CommunityCouncil on TMO in 2017. Have people forgotten how to do it?.. I can send an HTML template from back when I was a Council chairman, long ago.

Thanks, I have to admit that the current Council has laxed a bit on the proper minutes upkeep. (and I am also partly to blame for that, sorry!)

It just happened so that there were quite many meetings with nothing important to report that when we actually did have stuff it was already a habit of not to make the minutes.

ibrakalifa 2017-05-25 15:23

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I vote for dave999

Android_808 2017-05-25 15:54

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I feel as though I should just comment on wicket and t-b's nomination for myself as I haven't done so up until now.

As some of you know, I'm not that great at appearing on irc. I also do shift work plus covering 2 lots of maternity cover during and outside of my own hours at the moment (soon to be 1). As a result my time is quite limited depending on what week of my shift pattern it is.

To top it off, I've not been 100% since before christmas and have now been referred to the local hospital for checks. I don't think it is anything major but until I know what the story is I don't want to commit just in case.

wicket 2017-05-25 18:45

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
My candidate declaration email has now been approved. :)


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1528364)
We have now 4 accepted candidates, all with enough Karma points;

Mosen (524)
Sicelo (240)
Wicket (406)
Juiceme (1018)

Thanks for all Candidates!

This is enough, and we can proceed with the election of 3 Councillors for the next term.

mike727 also put himself in the mix. Does he have enough karma? Is he too late? I'm concerned that a council of 3 might be spread a little thin, especially if a councillor later withdraws (which has happened before) or is later unable to dedicate as much free time to the council.

Dave999 2017-05-25 19:59

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1528374)
I vote for dave999

Thank you for your vote. Unfortunately I'm not in the game, I don't have time to make TMO great again. ;)

GL all...May the force be with you!

mike727 2017-05-26 01:52

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1528388)
mike727 also put himself in the mix. Does he have enough karma? Is he too late?

I think my TMO & accounts are now connected. My karma is most likely too low. I submitted the application more than 2 days late. Doesn't worry me, either way.

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