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free 2007-11-17 16:35

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by Moonshine (Post 96173)
FWIW I'm seeing the same thing . Logs show:


trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/gizmo-project.png', which is also in package gizmo-installer

If you are sure of yourself, you have to tell dpkg to force overwritting files.


dpkg --force-overwrite -i packagename.deb
This is a very common error.

Another way to do it, directly from apt-get:


apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install packagename
Removing the conflicting file doesn't help because the list of files is stored somewhere.

Mara 2007-11-17 16:48

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 94604)
Has anyone else had an issue where if you lock the tablet, you can't unlock it? Ie, it won't let you press the center button to unlock the screen and buttons?

Just reporting SECOND time this happened to me.

Thsi time my N800 wasn't in keylock mode. It was just in normal sleep overnight when after waking up the screen with stylus it does not recognize any front panel key presses, nor the full screen and + and - keys on the top. Only the power button works. After reboot all the buttons work.

In other words this problem does not only appear during keylock mode. It has something to do with the powersave/sleep mode in general.

EDIT: added my 2 cents into bugzilla bug #2311.

jhoff80 2007-11-17 17:34

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Yeah it happened to me twice in a row and then worked fine the other times. I actually went back to OS2007 anyway because of not enough apps, so I don't know if it would have been a continual thing, or just was randomly doing it twice in a row for me.

Greyghost 2007-11-17 17:56

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by evanjfraser (Post 96210)
GPE does work on OS2008, but you need to use the experimental dist at:

(add "deb chinook experimental" to your
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list )

Superb! Thanks for the link. This wasn't in the N810 repository list when I looked yesterday.

Greyghost 2007-11-17 18:24

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by Moonshine (Post 96182)
I tried, but it didn't help. However uninstalling the "gizmo-installer" package with:


dpkg -r gizmo-installer
Did let me install Gizmo from their repo via App Manager :D

After re-reading this thred, it seems that a few folks have it working, but not me, alas. I just tried this method but got an error message that said I had to be a 'superuser' this something relatively simple for a linux noob to attempt or should I just wait?

jdr93 2007-11-17 19:41

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by free (Post 96328)
If you are sure of yourself, you have to tell dpkg to force overwritting files.


dpkg --force-overwrite -i packagename.deb
This is a very common error.

Another way to do it, directly from apt-get:


apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install packagename
Removing the conflicting file doesn't help because the list of files is stored somewhere.

do you have the 'packagename' for the gizmo install, or could you tell us where to find the name? thank you for your help above.


johsua 2007-11-17 20:06

You have to be root. There are various ways to do this. One is to install becomroot. This can be found at under the 2006 software, IIRC. A search for "becomeroot maemo" on google may get you there sooner though... sorry i don't know the link ottomh. btw this dpkg -r gizmo-installer method worked for me.

jdr93 2007-11-17 22:48

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by johsua (Post 96420)
- snip - btw this dpkg -r gizmo-installer method worked for me.

thanks for your note. i'd tried it twice before but has gotten a message saying the data base was being used by another program (though no other programs was running other than the xterm window.) third time was the charm. gizmo works great. now i have to find someone who can receive an image.


Greyghost 2007-11-18 15:51

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by jdr93 (Post 96474)
third time was the charm. gizmo works great.

Indeed, I had to run the command three times before it worked, but it did! Removed the offending file and now I have gizmo installed. Now to go test!

Thanks to all for the help.

ku4tp 2007-11-21 14:31

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Just a thought for those trying to use the Ubuntu live cd to do this flash and are having USB problems - Have you tried hitting F6 and adding any (or all) of the following options at the end of the startup string: noapic noacpi noirqdebug ?

murphy 2007-11-22 07:15

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
About the boot loop, for me it was a flash mistake, I entered :

sudo ./flasher-3.0 -n initfs.jffs2 -f
sudo ./flasher-3.0 -r initfs.jffs2 -f -R
instead of

sudo ./flasher-3.0 -n initfs.jffs2 -f
sudo ./flasher-3.0 -r rootfs.jffs2 -f -R
About installing gizmo project, I just installed it :
- download the file
- run the built-in xterm and enter :
sudo gainroot
cd MyDocs
dpkg -i --force-all gizmo-project_4.0.0.95_N800P_armel.deb

maluka 2007-11-22 07:58

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
worked perfectly on my first try!!!

technut 2007-11-23 11:56

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Thanks to Crussader for letting us know there is a newer version of N810 OS2008 available for download at the Nokia site now!


unique311 2007-11-24 09:53

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
just notice 2 os2008 firmwares available at the dl site.

technut 2007-11-24 10:35

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
I have updated post #2 of this thread with detailed instructions on how to install OS2008 on N800, including references to the newest firmware revision that came out on Nov 23.

Note that this is not an official N800 release. Read post #1 for more details.

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