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paps 2008-04-03 15:37

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by thoughtfix (Post 102286)
I created this post to ask readers which phone they used. My answers are there and the questions are as follows:

1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

1. Yes, I tether to my phone if it's urgent and i'm not getting a wifi signal (nights and weekends if at all)
2. Motorola E815 with 1.1E.00 firmware (if you have this phone, there is a reason why the firmware matters).
3. It took some searching and I had to try a couple different solutions before I found the proper one to work.
4. Verizon Wireless
5. Data plans are a rip-off, no further comment.
6. - I went with option 2 for my phone, easy and effective. The following is all you really need to do:

Step 1:
Step 2 (the difficult part that took forever to figure out): Install OpenSSH and follow the rest of the instructions in Post #4 -

Works like a charm!

winpisces 2008-04-03 19:46

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access? Trying to
2. What kind of phone do you have? Treo 700wx
3. Was it easy to get working? No
4. Who is your service provider? Sprint
5. How affordable is your data plan? unlimit data $30
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Still try to get N800 to work with Treo 700wx

Snoshrk 2008-04-05 01:43

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

N800 on its way... No cell data plan yet... But I can't wait

2. What kind of phone do you have?

Looking for suggestions:) Kinda want GPS in the phone...(any reason not to get this?)

3. Was it easy to get working? N/A

4. Who is your service provider?US Cellular

5. How affordable is your data plan?I've heard that it is ~$10/month + regular phone service.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?Does anyone have experience with USCellular as a Data provider?

:o Sorry for the n00b questions:o:


myk 2008-04-05 03:02

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
Nokia 6120c - easy, highly recommended if you can use the HSDPA (3.5G)
Could this be the worlds smallest smartphone? And not expensive.

Australia: '3' has $20/month for 500MB data add-on, 1-3Mbps, major cities only.

phutterman 2008-04-05 04:52

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. I use it from time to time as needed.
2. LG vx8600
3. Yes.
4. Verizon.
5. I don't have a dataplan. I dial up to a free dialup ISP. It's free (except for minutes) but slow as sin.
6. Its tempting to buy one of the cheap verizon on-phone-only (non-tethering) dataplans and try to tether with it for faster speed, but I don't need it enough to warrant paying more and potentially getting into trouble for violating the TOS.
And I definitely don't need/want it enough to pay the exorbitant price Verizon charges for real tethering plans.

TerryGecko 2008-04-06 20:36

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

I do.

2. What kind of phone do you have?

Motorola Razr V3m

3. Was it easy to get working?

Very Easy.

4. Who is your service provider?


5. How affordable is your data plan?

I don't use a data plan as web browsing is included with Nationwide Long Distance.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

It kind of sucks that I can't make/recieve calls/text while it's connected. It's also painfully slow.

brontide 2008-04-06 20:56

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1) yes
2) Motorola e815 - early firmware
3) once evdo was disabled, yes
4) Verizon
5) MOU for the little I use it
6) It's Verizon, so be careful since they could cut you off at a monents notice

howard forum is where I got most of the basic info.

jamart3d 2008-04-11 19:48

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. yes, when wifi is not available
2. lg shine cu720
3. extremely easy
4. att
5. $15 data media max, unlimited
6. dslreports hispeed/iphone test reports 568kbps

Prestwick 2008-04-12 07:36

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Damn right I do! Saves me lots of dough, especially if you sit just out of range of wi-fi at a hotel.
2. A Nokia E65
3. Pairing it with the Nokia was a cakewalk. Getting it to connect to my Mobile Telco however was hell. Customer services were Kafka-esque in their explanations which didn't help. Got it done in the end by modifying the connection strings.
4. 3 UK
5. I'm using the X-Series Silver which costs me £35 a month with unlimited internet and a load of free minutes and messages. When I can't use my n800, I just use my E65 to surf and check e-mail.
6. 3 officialy will not let you use your mobile as a modem. However, this is incredibly hard to monitor. Still though, if you have a My3 account on their website, use that to monitor your data usage daily.

Jaykie 2008-04-12 10:07

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
- Yes (N810)
2. What kind of phone do you have?
- Various Nokia models, currently Nokia N82
3. Was it easy to get working?
- Very easy with in-built wizard
4. Who is your service provider?
- Elisa (Finland)
5. How affordable is your data plan?
- 1MBps HSDPA 19.90e/month
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
- It just works ;)

cyberbillp 2008-04-12 10:40

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

2. What kind of phone do you have?
cect m800 wristwatch

3. Was it easy to get working?
well..... it does work once you figure it out

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
$19 unimited gprs/gsm - counts as air minutes though.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
it works!!!! No more phone to carry. Just wear it!
Wish the NIT could sms via the phone. Also speeds are 128k at best.

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