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kenroy 2008-03-13 02:18

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 154235)
I'm having the identical problem.

Any time it's check with it's automagic background mode. Same here. It's every 5 minutes or so for me, but that's what I have my check interval set to.

As a temporary workaround, if you leave modest running you won't get the error messages.

deeteroderdas 2008-03-13 13:20

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by tso (Post 154072)
there is a option for it in gconf.

Ok, found it, thanks!
I wasn't sure your post was in response to my question.

Is this documented anywhere? Using gconf to make changes such as this just seems 'counterintuitive', given that the gconf editor is not emphasized.

Nif 2008-03-13 13:51

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 154030)
Just a warning, my system got toasted when I updated to the latest Modest (March 10, 2008) through the Application Manager (non Red Pill mode). I started getting constant "Internal Error: Application 'E-Mail' closed" messages in the middle of doing other stuff, like watching video or whatever.

I had to revert back to the old version (Feb 29) manually, and now everything's fine again.


As I have the same problems as the others here, could you pls explain me how to manually revert back to the older version?

Thanks in advance.

tso 2008-03-13 16:42

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by deeteroderdas (Post 154392)
Ok, found it, thanks!
I wasn't sure your post was in response to my question.

Is this documented anywhere? Using gconf to make changes such as this just seems 'counterintuitive', given that the gconf editor is not emphasized.

i dont think its documented anywhere. i came across it while playing around with gconf-editor...

qole 2008-03-13 18:17

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by Nif (Post 154408)

As I have the same problems as the others here, could you pls explain me how to manually revert back to the older version?

Thanks in advance.

It's ugly and messy. I'll try.

1. Either go into red pill mode in Application manager or use "apt-get remove" as root. Remove the following packages (some may get removed when others are removed also):
  • modest
  • libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0
  • libtinymailui-1.0-0
  • libtinymail-maemo-1.0-0 (removed with libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0)
  • libtinymail-gnomevfs-1.0-0
  • libtinymail-1.0-0
  • libtinymail-camel-1.0-0 (removed with libtinymail-1.0-0)

2. I think you need to be in red pill mode for this. Go to the modest repository with your web browser, or, probably easier, use the links in the list below. If you use the repo, you need to install the Feb. 29th version of the following packages (click on the link and use "open"), and I think they need to be in this order. If a package insists on one of the other ones as a dependency, just install the dependency first.

If someone finds a problem with my instructions, my links or the install order, please tell me.

This will probably be obsoleted soon, when they release a fixed version. But if you can't wait for the update...

mscdex 2008-03-13 19:05

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by deeteroderdas (Post 154392)
Ok, found it, thanks!
I wasn't sure your post was in response to my question.

Is this documented anywhere? Using gconf to make changes such as this just seems 'counterintuitive', given that the gconf editor is not emphasized.

Where did you find it at?

jussik 2008-03-13 20:55

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 154030)
Just a warning, my system got toasted when I updated to the latest Modest (March 10, 2008) through the Application Manager (non Red Pill mode). I started getting constant "Internal Error: Application 'E-Mail' closed" messages in the middle of doing other stuff, like watching video or whatever.

Guys, a reminder: make sure you file bugs (or vote for existing ones), otherwise the developers won't know about them:

qole 2008-03-13 21:42

Re: Modest Beta v. 2008-11 broken

Originally Posted by jussik (Post 154592)
Guys, a reminder: make sure you file bugs (or vote for existing ones), otherwise the developers won't know about them:

What, don't they read these forums? ;)

Also, I tried to create a bugzilla account, but I got this:


Software error:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Access denied for user: 'maemobugs@' to database 'maemobugs' at /usr/share/perl5/Bugzilla/DB/ line 196
Bugzilla::DB::Mysql::bz_lock_tables('Bugzilla::DB: :Mysql=HASH(0x8b63cd8)', 'profiles WRITE', 'groups READ', 'user_group_map WRITE', 'email_setting WRITE', 'tokens READ') called at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bugzilla/createaccount.cgi line 72

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
I have to say there is some irony in discovering a problem in a bugzilla implementation.

deeteroderdas 2008-03-14 01:32

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by mscdex (Post 154536)
Where did you find it at?

First, you need to have gconf-editor installed.

Then, fire it up (it installs under "Settings"), navigate to apps->modest->fetch_external_images.

Gconf-editor is kinda like regedit for the Windoze environment.

brontide 2008-03-14 12:58

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Ok, Modest does work with gmail... kinda.

1) Why do messages not get marked read by Modest, is there some trick?

2) Sometimes deleted mail gets deleted, most of the time it is gone from Modest, but still in my inbox if I check from another client.

XL1200c 2008-03-14 16:34

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I do not like Modest using my removable memory card. Is there a way to change it so it uses my internal memory card?

macr0t0r 2008-03-14 16:53

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
@XL1200c :
I feel the same, but my solution is a rather ugly hack. I turned off the option to store mail in the external card and then sym-linked the internal /home/user/.modest folder to /media/mmc2/Modest. Doing this sort of thing takes away your rights to complain about bugs.

- Jim

slha89 2008-03-16 12:28

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Just browsed a bit with gconf-editor and what do I see... :eek::eek::eek:

Modest saves cleartext password in his config!

Come on, it's not nice to not have a usable PIM (can't send email with GPE addressbook, other PIMs lacks in other points, and so on...) with Nxxx tablet, but storing cleartext passwords on a mobile device isn't acceptable!


What's also not nice in Modest: at fullscreen, there is no close button in mail view to go back to the listing view.

brontide 2008-03-16 12:43

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by slha89 (Post 155877)
Just browsed a bit with gconf-editor and what do I see... :eek::eek::eek:

Modest saves cleartext password in his config!

Come on, it's not nice to not have a usable PIM (can't send email with GPE addressbook, other PIMs lacks in other points, and so on...) with Nxxx tablet, but storing cleartext passwords on a mobile device isn't acceptable!


What's also not nice in Modest: at fullscreen, there is no close button in mail view to go back to the listing view.

The nokias store plaintext passwords for ALL the IM accounts, network logins ( including WPA-Enterprise ), and more. So the fact that modest does it as well is not a real surprise.

It bugs me as well. I man how hard is it to use the mac address as a symmetric cypher?

Jejoma 2008-03-16 13:25

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I've got my Googlemail account linking with Modest but is it possible to access Hotmail?

micampe 2008-03-16 16:04

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 155884)
It bugs me as well. I man how hard is it to use the mac address as a symmetric cypher?

What kind of security would this give to you? If somebody can read your encrypted password, he can access your mac address too.

Jaffa 2008-03-16 16:08

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
The device needs to know the password so short of asking the user for a keychain-like password which is used to derive the decryption key, it's not going to be possible to store the password for a remote service (which it needs) on the device in a secure manner.

Having said that, there are a couple of simple things applications should consider doing when storing the passwords, and xoring the text with the MAC address + some application-specific number is simple enough to stop casual sniffing; even if it's not any more secure in any real way.



GeneralAntilles 2008-03-16 16:09

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by slha89 (Post 155877)
What's also not nice in Modest: at fullscreen, there is no close button in mail view to go back to the listing view.

Hold down the back key.

Press the back key.

Jaffa 2008-03-16 16:19

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 155956)
Hold down the back key.

A single press did it last time I used Modest.

setasai 2008-03-16 22:27

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I may be missing something obvious but is there a way to email a group of contacts all at once instead of checkboxing each contact one by one?

slha89 2008-03-16 23:55

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 155956)
Hold down the back key.

This brings everyone off from fullscreen and that's not what I want if I want to use Modest in fullscreen to have more space. That's the reason I wrote about fullscreen.


The nokias store plaintext passwords for ALL the IM accounts, network logins ( including WPA-Enterprise ), and more. So the fact that modest does it as well is not a real surprise.
:eek::eek::eek: ... I hope they take some more ideas from Gnome people in near future (and we get Evolution too ;) ).
So I must have two eyes on my N810 not to be stolen...

tso 2008-03-17 03:03

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by slha89 (Post 156159)
This brings everyone off from fullscreen and that's not what I want if I want to use Modest in fullscreen to have more space. That's the reason I wrote about fullscreen.

like someone else pointed out, dont hold, just tap it.

brontide 2008-03-17 14:16

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Hmm... if I let the background app run I get internal errors, if I leave Modest open it gobbles up all the ram and cpu after about a day.

Speaking of full screen is there a way default to the limited headers?

brontide 2008-03-17 15:53

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by slha89 (Post 156159)
This brings everyone off from fullscreen and that's not what I want if I want to use Modest in fullscreen to have more space. That's the reason I wrote about fullscreen.

I use ctrl-w to close the message window.

qole 2008-03-17 21:45

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I notice that they have a new version, 1.0-2008.12-1, available for download.

Does this fix the Internal Error problem?

solico 2008-03-17 23:01

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Actually I got no more problems with the new version.
Version 1.0-2008.11 gave me "internal error" with an IMAP-configuration, since Version 12 it runs like a charm.

qole 2008-03-18 00:09

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Version 12 didn't seem to check mail at first, but when it finally did I got the same internal error. The good news is that the bug where read messages (GMail IMAP) are not marked read on the server is fixed.

setasai 2008-03-18 19:13

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Latest modest gives me "no messages to show" message when starting up and after checking mail. FYI, Its strange because I can go to the folders section, click a different folder then click the inbox again and all the messages are there again. Is this common? Its kind of annoying...

macr0t0r 2008-03-18 19:47

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Got the same glitch as setasai using imap service with Modest 12-1 on an N800 with 2008. Inbox appears empty. Select another IMAP folder and back to Inbox and all messages are instantly present. Seems to be a display issue of some sort.

- Jim

munky261 2008-03-19 00:35

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
seems to me with each "update" there are more issues occuring... i still cant get it to work consistently for me regardless of what email addy i use

brontide 2008-03-19 03:03

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I had to "update" three or four times in a row for it to finally "see" a 2 hour old message on my gmail imap account.

munky261 2008-03-19 03:28

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
2 Attachment(s)
Can anyone help me with the issue im having with modest? Everytime i open it it gives the errors shown on the included screenshots. Im using gmail imap , but it also does it with gmail pop.

gerbick 2008-03-19 07:06

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I'm seriously starting to think that you're having problems with your router or you're using Privoxy - I know it turns cookies into session cookies, which was a major problem for me.

munky261 2008-03-19 07:27

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
i am running privoxy actually. as well as adblock in the browser. ill uninstall privoxy and reinstall modest and give it a try.

munky261 2008-03-19 07:37

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
no luck , uninstalled privoxy and reinstalled modest and still get the error.

brontide 2008-03-19 10:12

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I get the SSL error sending emails, but not checking. I do not have privoxy installed.

munky261 2008-03-19 14:59

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
and as far as issues with the router goes i get the same error no matter what network i am connected to. but at home i use a 2wire dsl modem/router.

qole 2008-03-19 17:35

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I've downgraded back to 10. I like the flashing light when I get mail. Nicer than the "Internal Error: E-mail closed" error box.

nilchak 2008-03-19 19:09

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 157373)
I've downgraded back to 10. I like the flashing light when I get mail. Nicer than the "Internal Error: E-mail closed" error box.

I have to do likewise it seems.

After a prolonged time, there are tons of the Internal Error messageboxes that I have to close out before I can get back to the desktop itself and other apps.

I am surprised that Modest is billed as the takeover email default email client for the OS2008. At the rate it is progressing (rather not), I dont see when it will become a full featured client.

iskarion 2008-03-19 19:10

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
W10 was the last working version for me, too.
In W11 the annoying "Internal Error: E-mail closed" popup did appear all the time. With W12 this is gone, but now IMAP is completely broken. At least IMAP with the "secure Connection" option "SSL (IMAP4S)". :(

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