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Voohan 2010-09-11 13:32

Re: GemRb Development Thread
And what about 'right-click'? It's work now or not?

(Sorry for my short qestion, but my english is very bad)

Bundyo 2010-09-11 15:23

Re: GemRb Development Thread
No right click yet.

colla84 2010-09-11 18:04

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I try to install bg2 to pc and then take the source installation and copy on folder bg2 on mmc.
I need the nocd patch? or i can play without cd o n900?

which program can use fo BT keyboard? thanks... (the keyboard is a nokia SU-W8, time ago i try to use it but n900 don't find it properly)

kureyon 2010-09-12 06:06

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by colla84 (Post 813556)
So my question is, work fine with bluetooth keyboard? which program can use it?

Short answer:Install bt-hid-scripts - works great
Long answer: search forum for more info

gavor 2010-09-28 05:17

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Hi all. I have Planescape running on my N900 but it's stuck with the character swapping cursor (grey head with a red arrow on each side) on so I can't do much. How can I 'escape' from the swap mode?

Otherwise, it runs quite well, definately playable, though perhaps a touch small :D.

ivgalvez 2010-09-29 08:56

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Shouldn't this thread go now into Games category?

ivgalvez 2010-10-11 12:14

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Hi there, no news since some time.

Any plans to update to upstream version 0.6.2?

Bundyo 2010-10-11 16:08

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I will probably update it next week, though the SDL plugin is not working as good as the OpenAL one and doesn't bring any performance gains as was expected.

fettouhi 2010-10-29 08:21

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Has anybody tried getting gemrb working with the new releases of icw, bg1 and planescape from Is there list that describes what game files er neeeded?

Magik 2010-10-29 09:10

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Is there list that describes what game files er neeeded?
You need to install the game from original CDs and copy all the game files to your n900.
So if you buy them from that site it should work.

fettouhi 2010-10-29 10:36

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Magik (Post 856292)
You need to install the game from original CDs and copy all the game files to your n900.
So if you buy them from that site it should work.

The gemrb.cfg talks about paths for CD1, CD2 etc. but the version from does install the game that way.

Voohan 2010-10-29 10:47

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I'm still waiting on right click in newest version..;)

Magik 2010-10-29 11:04

Re: GemRb Development Thread

The gemrb.cfg talks about paths for CD1, CD2 etc
That are the paths to the "CD1, CD2 etc" folders in BG root folder not real CD's.


I'm still waiting on right click in newest version..
It's not that necessary, but it would be cool feature :)

fettouhi 2010-10-29 19:51

Re: GemRb Development Thread
What is the max resolution I can run gemrb in on my n900? Is 800x480 supported? I'm currently running at the standard 640x480 which was default in the config file.

Bundyo 2010-10-30 19:27

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Its not supported - it works but has various bad effects :)

cube48 2010-11-01 09:15

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by gavor (Post 828070)
Hi all. I have Planescape running on my N900 but it's stuck with the character swapping cursor (grey head with a red arrow on each side) on so I can't do much. How can I 'escape' from the swap mode?

Otherwise, it runs quite well, definately playable, though perhaps a touch small :D.

I got rid of it by swapping my two characters there and back. Then the swap mode was gone.

But I have other question regarding PST. Is there any other way to 'use' an item from inventory apart from right click?

mthmob 2010-11-15 18:06

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by cube48 (Post 859366)
I got rid of it by swapping my two characters there and back. Then the swap mode was gone.

But I have other question regarding PST. Is there any other way to 'use' an item from inventory apart from right click?

Not until its been mapped in gemRB to the n900 buttons.

So PST isent playable on n900 since you cant leave the first room you start in. In case people forgot, you need to use a knife to kill in the first room to get a key. Unfortently you attack with right clicking in GemRB, the gemRB team havent added Attack on "a" yet for PST in gemRB.

Magik 2010-11-25 16:09

Re: GemRb Development Thread
GemRB on n900:

There's a new version too:


GemRB V0.6.3 (2010-11-21)
  New features:
    - IWD:HoW is now completable!
    - casting sounds and footsteps
    - autodetection of secret doors, detect illusions
    - basic bardsong support and selective magic resistance (bg2-style)
    - proper store economics, ergonomics and dragging
    - custom blood color (creature-dependant)
    - new actions, iwd effects and triggers
    - Importing a SoA game into ToB

  Improved features:
    - actor selection and action bar (for summons and illusions too!)
    - door bashing and traps
    - loading screens, ambushes, worldmap
    - sparkles, panic and other effects
    - actions, dialogs, object matching
    - personal items support (swap/equip/remove)
    - bugfixes

  Applied patches:
    iwd regression fix from Eggert Jón Magnússon

Trisk3lion 2010-12-20 17:55

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Let's hope Bundyo has time and will to port it over to N900! :)

verrnum 2010-12-28 12:39

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Thans for GemRb. It's very nice.
How to a "right click" command on BG2 ??

Thanks a lot !!

Magik 2010-12-28 16:29

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by verrnum (Post 905959)

Thans for GemRb. It's very nice.
How to a "right click" command on BG2 ??

Thanks a lot !!


There's no right click when you are using touch screen. You have to have a real mouse to right click at the moment :P
So wizards(like Edwin) are useless :(

verrnum 2010-12-28 22:34

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Magik (Post 906107)

There's no right click when you are using touch screen. You have to have a real mouse to right click at the moment :P
So wizards(like Edwin) are useless :(

Ouch !!!!

No !!!

How to pick object then ??

Why no right click support ?

It's very hard to emulate ?

Trisk3lion 2010-12-31 14:09

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Maybe it gets inplanted in future releases of Gemrb

ArnimS 2011-01-09 09:29

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Disable 'click on tap' and map left/right mouseclicks to +/- buttons.

verrnum 2011-01-09 12:25

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 915607)
Disable 'click on tap' and map left/right mouseclicks to +/- buttons.


How to do it ?

In game settings ?

DrKlaw 2011-01-31 03:17

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 915607)
Disable 'click on tap' and map left/right mouseclicks to +/- buttons.

I looked around for how to do this and I couldn't find anything. Can you tell me how to do this?


Magik 2011-02-02 12:03

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Can you tell me how to do this?
You're asking for a feature that is not implemented in current gemrb ;)
I think that this:

Disable 'click on tap' and map left/right mouseclicks to +/- buttons.
Is just a suggestion.

wakkamis 2011-02-23 15:25

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I just found this yesterday! So I went digging for my bg2 CD's and ended up getting it off GOG cause I couldn't find the disks.

Seems like I can get past character creation and when I click accept the game either just crashes or I get into the game and I can see the game UI but the game screen is blue. Then if I try to do anything form there bg2 just crashes.

Any way to fix this?


Magik 2011-02-23 17:08

Re: GemRb Development Thread
wakkamis create a character on pc, start the game and save it. Put the save on the n900 and load it.

wakkamis 2011-02-23 17:22

Re: GemRb Development Thread
cool. will give it a try tonight!

wakkamis 2011-02-24 14:52

Re: GemRb Development Thread
So got the saved game form the pc. when i load it up i still get to see the ui just fine, but the play screen is blue.

I'd tried to take a screen but when i hit ctrl or shift gemrb just crashes right away.

so found out that you have to take the files from ../bg2/data/DATA and move it to ../bg2/data

as well as /data/MOVIES/

NerdKnight 2011-03-12 22:49

Right click!
I've downloaded the source of gemrb and made a little change to implement right click, it's emulated holding x key while taping the screen.
To install the patch you must overwrite the file

with the one I uploaded here: (make a backup first!).
I tested it with BG1.
Does someone know why the file I've compiled is 9.1 MB big while the original it's only 1.1 MB?

DrKlaw 2011-03-13 04:50

Re: Right click!

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 966550)
I've downloaded the source of gemrb and made a little change to implement right click, it's emulated holding x key while taping the screen.
To install the patch you must overwrite the file

with the one I uploaded here: (make a backup first!).
I tested it with BG1.
Does someone know why the file I've compiled is 9.1 MB big while the original it's only 1.1 MB?

Seems like it's working fine in BG2, as well. Thanks for this!

stooobs 2011-03-15 17:57

Re: GemRb Development Thread
works in pst for me got outside the mortuary
shame pst is so buggy keeps segfaultin in sigil when fighting thugs
thanks for the right click

ivgalvez 2011-03-16 08:40

Re: Right click!

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 966550)
I've downloaded the source of gemrb and made a little change to implement right click, it's emulated holding x key while taping the screen.
To install the patch you must overwrite the file

with the one I uploaded here: (make a backup first!).
I tested it with BG1.
Does someone know why the file I've compiled is 9.1 MB big while the original it's only 1.1 MB?

Great, I hope this fix could be merged with the upstream.

NerdKnight 2011-03-19 17:36

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I've compiled the last version of gemrb (0.6.3), here is the link to the debian package:
It includes the right mouse button patch.
The source code is here:

maartenmk 2011-03-20 11:59

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I've tried Icewind Dale with the new version, it works, but I can't get it to run in full screen anymore.
Anyone else have this problem? Maybe it's because of the CSSU?

edit: Oh, never mind, I found the option under graphics options in the game itself.

ArnimS 2011-03-20 21:43

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Screen so small... cpu struggling... but so close to playable... :/

anybody got good experiences for making it work better?

* gemrb > /dev/null to swallow all that terminal output

* = key to select all party

* ctrl-p to center screen on your party

more niggles:

- journal text is bright grey
- combat can get a bit too slow to control

TimusEravan 2011-03-23 06:19

Re: Right click!

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 966550)
I've downloaded the source of gemrb and made a little change to implement right click, it's emulated holding x key while taping the screen.
To install the patch you must overwrite the file

with the one I uploaded here: (make a backup first!).
I tested it with BG1.
Does someone know why the file I've compiled is 9.1 MB big while the original it's only 1.1 MB?

Is it possible to have the proximity sensor cover instead of X for the right click?

NerdKnight 2011-03-23 11:50

Re: Right click!

Originally Posted by TimusEravan (Post 973660)
Is it possible to have the proximity sensor cover instead of X for the right click?

Good idea, I think is possible, I'll see what I can do...

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