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fanoush 2008-03-25 09:18

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by PhoenixXx (Post 159250)
i did all the step by step things , and when i flashed the kernel and rebooted my nokia stopped ... just stopped ... the blue text Nokia is just sitting there and nothing happens ... :\ i can't start it , can someone help me what to do ?

It is possible to extract kernel from firmware image (flasher-3.0 -u -F firmwareimage.bin) and flash kernel over usb again, as explained in jott's instructions

Just wondering what exact 'step by step things' you did and which kernel you flashed. If you flashed from the device by kernel_flasher and used my tarred and gzipped kernel than I don't know how this happened. The flasher checks some bytes in kernel image header and won't flash files with wrong header or shorter length. Such bad flash may happen only when header and size is ok but the zImage file is still corrupted and have some bad data inside. This should not be possible when the kernel is inside .tar.gz. At least you would see some error when extracting the archive. Still, maybe I should add some additional checking. Not sure if there is some checksum to compute and verify but maybe I could just strip the header and try to decompress the kernel via gzip somehow (kernel image is gzip compressed). That would probably catch some random corruption inside.

PhoenixXx 2008-03-26 23:17

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 159815)
It is possible to extract kernel from firmware image (flasher-3.0 -u -F firmwareimage.bin) and flash kernel over usb again, as explained in jott's instructions

Just wondering what exact 'step by step things' you did and which kernel you flashed. If you flashed from the device by kernel_flasher and used my tarred and gzipped kernel than I don't know how this happened. The flasher checks some bytes in kernel image header and won't flash files with wrong header or shorter length. Such bad flash may happen only when header and size is ok but the zImage file is still corrupted and have some bad data inside. This should not be possible when the kernel is inside .tar.gz. At least you would see some error when extracting the archive. Still, maybe I should add some additional checking. Not sure if there is some checksum to compute and verify but maybe I could just strip the header and try to decompress the kernel via gzip somehow (kernel image is gzip compressed). That would probably catch some random corruption inside.

i used kerneel_flasher and had no error message , i reflashed the os and everyything is ok now, but i still can't rotate my screen... i'm thinking of trying again but i don't want to lose my things again

edugof 2008-03-26 23:18

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

i installed everything succesfully, but i can't see the applet...
If i try in a terminal: xrandr i get:

"Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0". RandR extension missing

I have the xserver-xomap installed following the qwerty instructions, and also i flash my kernel (i try with the two fixed kernels) with your instructions too.

Please help :P


Benson 2008-03-27 11:18

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
It's an issue with the X server; try reinstalling it. (I assume you booted after installing?)

fanoush 2008-03-27 12:02

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by PhoenixXx (Post 160673)
i used kerneel_flasher and had no error message , i reflashed the os and everyything is ok now, but i still can't rotate my screen... i'm thinking of trying again but i don't want to lose my things again

Well, I don't know what happened so I don't know if it may happen again. I flash kernels directly from device quite often and so far this did not happen to me (at least with kernel image that was tested to be working :-). Also you should always be able to boot linux and flash just kernel, not full firmware. I'd suggest to try again, the chance of success is quite high. Just make sure you have at least 2 megabytes free in current directory and don't run too many applications when flashing.

chinster 2008-03-28 16:06

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I was able to do everything except get the rotate status bar. I installed it, but it doesnt show up. Has anyone else experience this?

Edit: I just turned my device off for a while and turned it back on, and it works!

Borgel 2008-04-08 02:57

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I just threw it onto my 810 and it worked perfectly. Like everyone else says, the internet is mostly a wonderful thing in portrait mode. Plus, now, xournal is even more useful.

Its too bad that some of the menus dont exactly align themselves correctly, but I bet that a little more poking around will lead to a config file to tweak which will fix it. I imagine that somewhere the amount of padding for each menu is set or somesuch.

Laughing Man 2008-04-10 19:45

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I want to install this but the directions from the website the topic creator linked to aren't updated with the newer packages.

So I went to the original site

But what do I install?

I read about this.
Important update:
As fanoush pointed out, xv was broken with my initial patch. The updated patch should fix this. He also noted that due to the broken package structure in maemo, the osso-software-version package breaks when changing package versions of packages dependend of it. Hence I renamed the xserver-xomap_1.3.99.0~git20070321-0osso20074202-randr01_armel.deb package back to xserver-xomap_1.3.99.0~git20070321-0osso20074202_armel.deb, I also removed the libxrandr2 package as you can use the one in the maemo repositories. To fix your osso-software-version package please install
and libxrandr2_1.2.1-1_armel.deb

and then there are these files..

kernel-rx-34_2.6.21.0-osso71-randr2 (md5: c64d48d731b5bd2007f0d836cd25b977)
rotate-sb-plugin-0.1.tar.bz2 (Source of the rotation plugin)
Updated_blizzard_rotation_support_v2.diff (Kernel patch used)

I know that I need the kernel, the xserver (the same on both of the above), and the rotate plugin. But what about xrandr, which one do I install?

munky261 2008-04-12 02:49

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
how far away or what is the possibility of just having a one click install to be able to do screen rotation???

edit: ok , i found all the files on one of the given links , but what i need is a step by step instruction on how to do it.... im not sure how to flash the kernel.... someone please be kind and give me detailed instructions:)

GeneralAntilles 2008-04-12 02:51

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by munky261 (Post 168709)
how far away or what is the possibility of just having a one click install to be able to do screen rotation???

Possible, yes, but complicated, failure prone and not really worth the effort or risk.

munky261 2008-04-12 03:02

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
i do have an 810 , if that makes any difference in what kernel is needed

oh , and since i have never messed with the kernel before , will this take away all my applications like totally reflashing the tablet for an update?

Borgel 2008-04-12 03:13

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Nope. As I understand it, its essentially just updating/replacing the OS.

A backup is might be worthwhile anyway cause you never know.

munky261 2008-04-12 03:24

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
i understand that flashing the kernel is done in xterm of course , but do i need to install a program with witch to flash the kernel or is it something thats already on the tablet???

Borgel 2008-04-12 05:26

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
The way that I have done it two or three times is with fanoush's flasher ( It's a script that you run on the tablet itself, then reboot and thats all, pretty simple.

The other way to do it is through a linux desktop, but as I dont have a linux box set up Ive never used it and dont know much (anything) about it.

These were the instructions provided to me by another helpful forum member the first time I did it. They give a brief explanation as to how to flash with either fanoush's flasher or a desktop.

Hope that helpes,

qwerty12 2008-04-12 07:27

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by munky261 (Post 168709)
how far away or what is the possibility of just having a one click install to be able to do screen rotation???

edit: ok , i found all the files on one of the given links , but what i need is a step by step instruction on how to do it.... im not sure how to flash the kernel.... someone please be kind and give me detailed instructions:)

A one click install would incredibly stupid. Imagine the amount of failed flashes.

I wrote a step by step on how to flash the kernel in this thread. If your rotation doesn't work properly (look at arjun-giri's pictures), it means the kernel wasn't flashed right. I had the same problem when I compiled my own kernel and I'd messed up somewhere in the config & patches.
Jott's and Fanoush's kernel both work fine, I've flashed them both on my N800.

munky261 2008-04-12 13:02

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
ok , i downloaded the flasher....only saw the one that said 770/800....where do i put is and what do i do with it...before going into xterm and following the instructions??

promethh 2008-05-07 20:50

Easy screen rotation install from Windows XP or Internet Tablet?
I've been asked a few times from friends and acquaintances about how to install screen rotation on the N800 and N810. While it's easily enough done from Linux desktops and from the Mac, having a Windows user follow a step-by-step install is nigh impossible (at least to my small mind).

Can one of the greater minds or illuminaries answer this? If someone has no UNIX skill, but would like to rotate their screen, what is a simple step-by-step instruction you could give them?

Fanoush's flasher from the device still requires redpill mode, sudo/su access, and a mess of steps that would still require a level of UNIX experience not found in most Windows users (sorry, guys).

In short, if your Mom had a N800 and wanted to rotate her screen and only had Windows, what would you do? If an N800 still requires you to be tech support and hold her hand, or for her to send her device to you to do and send back, it's not there yet and that's not a real answer.

Any help? Any ideas? Care to be a god in many Windows users' eyes and write a step-by-step for the Windows folken?



Underscore 2008-05-07 21:07

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Qwerty12 has made the install as easy as copying and pasting stuff into the command line:

OR, you could go the easier route and do the one click, one command install:

Hope this helps. Qwerty only tells you how to flash the kernel btw, the statusbar applet has to be installed seperately. The second option does everything, but theres no statusbar applet; screen is rotated when you press the power button.

Benson 2008-05-07 21:07

Re: Easy screen rotation install from Windows XP or Internet Tablet?

Originally Posted by promethh (Post 178957)
Fanoush's flasher from the device still requires redpill mode, sudo/su access, and a mess of steps that would still require a level of UNIX experience not found in most Windows users (sorry, guys).

Well, not redpill; it does require root though.

In short, if your Mom had a N800 and wanted to rotate her screen and only had Windows, what would you do? If an N800 still requires you to be tech support and hold her hand, or for her to send her device to you to do and send back, it's not there yet and that's not a real answer.

Any help? Any ideas? Care to be a god in many Windows users' eyes and write a step-by-step for the Windows folken?
I'm unaware of any way to flash kernel-only from Windows, so it'll be on-device or from a linux boot disk (floppy, USB, or CD).

For on-device, I don't see what's so hard; you have to install one of becomeroot or easyroot; that's done in the package manager. Then you do a series of commands in xterm. (No need to understand why it works, you just type these things.) Then reboot, and you're done.

What's wrong with that?

Underscore 2008-05-11 03:19

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Hey Benson, just want to thank you. It took a while, but your script for xmodmapping the buttons works amazingly with Personal Menu. Thanks so much!

jbb 2008-05-16 01:52

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I am really sorry, but could someone please give even easier diretions, because every thing I try doesn't work. My main problem I think is the flashing, but i have no idea what is wrong
never mind

thoughtless stupid error made

2timer 2008-05-17 11:05

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 154624)
Here's a script to xmodmap the dpad and rotate the screen. Also included is the xrandr binary, which is a CLI for the RandR extension, and is used by the script. Install them both to executable places (I put xrandr in /usr/bin, and in /home/user/apps) and invoke as:
Code: [ cw | ccw | normal | left | inverted | right ]
EDIT: Use the script below, if you want to be able to rotate one notch clockwise or counterclockwise from current position.
EDIT: Script rezipped; now this zip contains the most recent version of the script, able to rotate one notch clockwise or counterclockwise from current position.

i typed that command in xterm but it tells not found. I installed xmodmap , put both files in correct location , what exactly should I type to assign a button for that script?

Underscore 2008-05-18 02:50

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
2timer, pretty sure you have to set permissions for those files. see this post:
If you don't know how to set permissions like me, just search wikipedia for chmod, it will tell you the usage.

qwerty12 2008-05-18 06:10

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I prefer to use chmod +x :)

Saves me from remembering odd numbers.

absarc 2008-05-28 14:26

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Hey when i type into x terminal:
tar zxvf kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz
it says "tar: can't open 'kernel-2.2007.50-rotation.tar.gz' : No such file in directory"

What do i do to fix this problem?

Picklesworth 2008-05-28 15:11

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I do not believe -2- escapes anything anywhere, so it appears you are not typing the correct path into the terminal. Are you in the right directory?

The default terminal does do tab autocompletion in a reasonable fashion, so you can just type "kernel" and press tab; should avoid spelling mistakes.

jwsnerd 2008-06-14 04:16

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
this didn't work for me,

when trying to run direct from xterm, i get;

~ $ xrandr
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
RandR extension missing

can anyone help me remedy this?

qwerty12 2008-06-14 09:36

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
You need to install the xomap with xrandr off jott's site (

mdanehart 2008-06-14 17:39

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I am nervous to brick my n810 trying to make the screen rotation happen! Will there ever be a 'click here to install' application for the screen rotation?

jpt000 2008-06-14 18:35

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
This is awesome! I just installed it and am loving one hand browsing!

gemniii42 2008-06-14 22:11

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by mdanehart (Post 192075)
I am nervous to brick my n810 trying to make the screen rotation happen! Will there ever be a 'click here to install' application for the screen rotation?

So wasn't I. First make yourself a safety net. Clone your system using penguinbait's deb

combatdoc 2008-06-14 22:45

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by mdanehart (Post 192075)
I am nervous to brick my n810 trying to make the screen rotation happen! Will there ever be a 'click here to install' application for the screen rotation?

This was probably one of the easiest things I have done when modding a kernel, etc.

I straight up followed this set of directions. The links to the files are included there as well. Took me 5 minutes.

caped 2008-06-15 03:17

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Please, please, please! somebody compile the entire instruction set for rotating the screen on the N810.
I have gone through the entire thread, and many others, and I understand not one bit. I have managed to edit /etc/systemui/systemui.xml to add reboot to the power menu, but I am a total newbie to Linux.
I still am unable to increase font size in the web browser even though I have followed the instructions and have created the strings in about:config.

nemo 2008-06-20 04:46

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
From one noob to the others.

I've had my tablet for a week now and it's been my first real experience with linux. Someone asked for noob friendly instructions for screen rotation, and, after reading this entire thread I've managed to get it to to show my thanks I figured I'd post step by step instructions for those with no linux experience.

All that being said, these instructions were all found here in this thread. Thanks to everyone who worked to make this possible!

1. Download and install Becomeroot.
- Here:
- click 'open', click 'ok' to Add catalogue Eko One
- click 'ok' to refresh application list, open the Application Manager
- click 'browse installable applications', click 'all', click on 'Becomeroot'
- click 'install', click 'ok', click 'ok' on the notice, click 'ok' when successfully installed.
- close the Application Manager
2. Installing everything (hit enter after typing each line in the terminal)
- Go to 'utilities', click on 'Xterminal'
- Type sudo gainroot
- Type cd MyDocs
- Type apt-get install wget
- Type wget
- Type wget
- Type tar zxvf kernel_flasher.tgz
- Type tar zxvf kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz
- Type mv zImage kernel_flasher/
- Type cd kernel_flasher/
- Type ./kernel_flash zImage
Close terminal
3. Red Pill Mode
- go to 'Settings', 'Application Manager',
- click on the upper lefthand corner, click on 'Tools'
- Choose 'Application Catalogue', choose 'New'
- Type matrix in 'website' and click cancel
- Choose the red pill
4. Update the xomap
- click here:
- click 'open', click 'ok'
5. Install the rotate applet
- click here:
- click 'open', click 'ok'
6. Exit Red Pill Mode
- follow the steps outlined in 'Red Pill' but choose the blue pill instead.
7. Say thanks to the wonderful folks who made it this easy for the rest of us.

There it is, sorry it's so long.

FierceDeityLink1 2008-06-20 05:51

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Thanks, it worked great.

I really needed this for Pidgin:

bunanson 2008-06-20 07:02

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
@nemo: a step by step with zero typo/error. Good job!


Borgel 2008-06-20 07:49

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Very nicely done nemo!

Addison 2008-06-20 09:22

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I've been wanting this for quite some time but felt I was too dumb to do this.

Thanks nemo!

I haven't tried it yet, but I respect and trust your judgment on this. :D

gemniii42 2008-06-20 11:19

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Good job -
Remember new users - it's best not to stay in red pill mode.

lm2 2008-06-20 15:07

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I haven't been following the discussion on the automatic .deb way of installing rotation support. I get why those with n810s would want the automatic--it will rotate screen back to landscape when you slide open the keyboard. But for those with n800s, do you have a preference between the rotation support described in this thread and the support offered by the automatic .deb?

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